Mainstreaming services for people with learning disabilities in Cumbria Professor Dave Dagnan Consultant Clinical Psychologist.


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Presentation transcript:

Mainstreaming services for people with learning disabilities in Cumbria Professor Dave Dagnan Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Values in learning disability services The vision in Valuing People is that people with learning disabilities have the right to live their lives in the same way as everyone else -Inclusion -Independence -Choices -Rights

People with learning disabilities in health services Staff in learning disability services and other health services need to work together. Some people will need extra help to use ordinary health services Some people will need specialist services.

What have we been working on in 2010? Developing the way we work in services that provide: Physical health Challenging Behaviour Forensic Mental Health

Mental health inequalities Children and young people with learning disabilities are 6 times more likely to have mental health problems than other young people Adults with learning disabilities are 3 or 4 times more likely to have mental health problems than other people

Some of the standards we want to meet Green light toolkit Makes sure that people with learning disabilities receive the same standard of mental health care that is available to everyone else CQC Standards Makes sure we know that people with learning disabilities receives a service that is adapted to their needs within mainstream services

What have we been doing to make this work? Making sure we know when services are working with people with learning disabilities

What have we been doing to make this work? Making sure that pathways developed in the trust think about the assessment and treatment of people with learning disabilities

What have we been doing to make this work? Making sure our policies are clear about our work with people with learning disabilities

What have we been doing to make this work? Training our staff so that they are better at working with people with learning disabilities

What have we been doing to make this work? Making sure we have accessible information about our services

What have we been doing to make this work? Making sure we audit what we do so we can be sure its is working for people with learning disabilities

Conclusions There is a lot of work that we need to do to make sure that mainstream services are as good as they should be at working with people with learning disabilities We have started this work in Cumbria You will hear more about how we have been working to include people with learning disabilities in the workshops this afternoon