Vibrant Communities- the story so far …….. Active Connected and Included Thursday 27 th August 2015 Jim Murdoch Vibrant Communities East Ayrshire Council
Our Vision “ East Ayrshire is a place with strong, safe and vibrant communities where everyone has a good quality of life and access to opportunities, choices and high quality services which are sustainable, accessible and meet people’s needs.” East Ayrshire Community Plan
Why Re-focus? Drop in funding available to public sector Changes in demography Increase in demand Listening to our communities and stakeholders Widening inequalities gap Welfare Reform National Drivers for change Developing a Vibrant Communities Service Where we are! Where we want to be! ‘Vibrancy is so universally desirable, so totemic in its powers, that even though we aren't sure what the word means, we know the quality it designates must be cultivated. The vibrant, we believe, is what makes certain cities (places) flourish’. Thomas Frank -£0.6M Saving
‘Transforming Our Relationship with the Communities we Serve’ Drop in funding available to public sector Changes in demography Increase in demand and expectation Widening inequalities gap Other National Drivers for change Listening to our communities and stakeholders
Our solutions are often not fit for purpose……
Co-production and asset based approaches makes strengthening the ‘core economy’ of communities, neighbourhoods, individuals and families the central task of public services. There is a focus on: Recognising people as assets Discovering local skills and talents Connecting these assets Creating opportunities for these assets to be productive Promoting reciprocity Building social networks An Asset Based Approach
Prevention and Early Intervention Sustainable Communities Play and Early Intervention Young People, Sport and Diversion Lifestyle Development, Older People and Wellbeing Communities Life skills and Inclusion Community Investment Property and Estate Rationalisation Reduction of community facilities by 25% Community Asset Transfer Community led facility management Organised in three complimentary service units with shared ethos, practice and vision: Co- production; valuing local people & recognising them as assets; building social networks; promoting reciprocity and inclusion & equality. Community Connectedness, Resilience = Natural Supports Services & Interventions
Changing culture.... our own, our colleagues, our communities Unlocking Gifts
Why Re-focus? Drop in funding available to public sector Changes in demography Increase in demand Listening to our communities and stakeholders Widening inequalities gap Welfare Reform National Drivers for change Social Connectedness Characteristic experienced by people who are not members of a community Characteristic arising from involvement in local community Separateness from the real worldBelong to and being part of communities Constant boredomAdventure and challenge Loneliness Companionship increased social networks, new and stronger friendships Dependence or total isolationInterdependence Restricted freedomFreedom Limited growth and new challengesImproved self image through achievement No sense of a futureHope and enthusiasm for future Feelings of failureAchievement
Our key highlights…….. 12 Community Led Action Plans published Framework for Volunteering developed 14 Community Asset Transfers approved Over 2800 children and young people at risk supported 843 adults supported with their literacy and numeracy skills 186 adults with learning disabilities supported to live fulfilling and independent lives 108 community and voluntary groups supported Over 20,000 attendances at health and wellbeing activities for older people Large Scale Events – Playday, QBR, Youth Conference, Older People’s Full of Life Conference, Celebration of Learning, Celebration of Volunteering, Legacy Events
Why Re-focus? Drop in funding available to public sector Changes in demography Increase in demand Listening to our communities and stakeholders Widening inequalities gap Welfare Reform National Drivers for change Leading transformational change and changing culture People, relationships and connections Reducing bureaucracy and red tape - encouraging creativity Enhancing, strengthening and equalizing relationships with the community, voluntary and business sectors Unlocking skills and talents of our staff and our communities Moving beyond the rhetoric- Just do it! For us, Asset Based Approaches are about…….
Asset-Based work with people who have learning disabilities Active Schools Coordinators working in ASN Schools Literacy and Numeracy Support Digital Access and Learning Local Area Coordinators Supported Employment Volunteering Opportunities Capacity Building Support to communities Partnerships and Networks Learning Disability Champions’ Group
Why Re-focus? Drop in funding available to public sector Changes in demography Increase in demand Listening to our communities and stakeholders Widening inequalities gap Welfare Reform National Drivers for change we will continue to work with our communities and partners in new an innovative ways to share knowledge, skills and talents, and to encourage investment of time and resources to help make East Ayrshire’s communities truly vibrant What’s next?