Public Value Review of Learning Disability Services Initial Recommendations Surrey Carers Association 8 th December 2011 Simon Laker Chris Esson Surrey.


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Presentation transcript:

Public Value Review of Learning Disability Services Initial Recommendations Surrey Carers Association 8 th December 2011 Simon Laker Chris Esson Surrey County Council, PLD Commissioning photo

The aims of today To share our initial recommendations These will inform you of our commissioning intentions Communicate to you our direction of travel and ambition for services

Underlying Principles Key themes across all that we do: Everyone we support with a learning disability has a personal budget They will be able to have greater choice and control over the services they choose to meet their needs The market will be developed to offer a wide range of affordable services

Underlying Principles We need to plan for the needs of people: that have high support needs from black and minority ethnic groups on the autistic spectrum in custody and the community

To help deliver our recommendations We need to: undertake a programme of re-assessment and review of people with learning disabilities over the next three years. focus is on personalisation and improving outcomes for people Work with individuals, their families and service providers to develop the market of services that people want to buy

Topic: Individual Housing Options Our ambition: Help more people with learning disabilities live independently in a range of housing that gives them legal rights and meets their support needs, including 24hr support Develop more supported accommodation options instead of residential care. Work with providers to help a number of residential homes in Surrey to move from residential care to supported living

Topic: Daytime activities Our ambition: Ensure all people receive support to use personal budgets to purchase from a market of affordable day, evening and weekend activities

Topic: Supporting People in transition Our ambition: For young people Moving from childhood to adulthood young people and their families will be supported to access appropriate: Housing Education Employment Care and support based on choice and need

Topic: Supporting People in transition Our ambition: For older people Develop age appropriate services that recognises their needs as they age. They are an older person first and foremost.

Topic: Short breaks (respite) Our ambition: Develop a wide range of affordable options for people to choose and buy respite when they need it This should be across the whole of Surrey

Topic: Partnership working We already work with: Care & Support Providers Boroughs & Districts Local Health organisations Neighbouring Authorities

What next? We have already and continue to work on different approaches to service delivery Review our pilot projects Ongoing consultation with stakeholders Formal recommendations agreed by Councillors