Barnet LINk & Barnet Healthwatch THE WAY AHEAD
WHAT IS A LINK? Group of individuals & community groups acting together as an independent Local Involvement Network to improve health & social care services. Barnet LINk is supported by a small ‘Host’ staff team in CommUNITY Barnet, funded by the London Borough of Barnet.
WHAT DOES A LINK DO? Find out what local people like or dislike about local health & social care services. Feed in the information to those who plan & run the services Form recommendations for better services that reflect the local needs Follow up on recommendations.
DOES A LINK HAVE ANY TEETH? LINks have legal rights: To information from health & social care providers/planners with right to response To ‘enter & view’ facilities to view services with right to response to recommendations To make reports & recommendations based on findings with right to response. To refer issues of concern to Barnet scrutiny committee with right to response
‘ENTER & VIEW’ Visits to health/adult social care premises to: Find out service users’ views & experiences Check out standards of care & environment Recommend improvements
CHANGES AHEAD – GOVERNMENT PLANS Change the LINK into Local Healthwatch Set up Healthwatch England All Local Healthwatches to work with & be advised by Healthwatch England Systematic monitoring of Local Healthwatch findings to influence national planning of services Healthwatch England to act nationally on what Local Healthwatch finds out & speak out for patients at government level
LOCAL HEALTHWATCH AS LINK + Local Healthwatch will have all the roles & powers of LINk plus new roles: Advising local people about services & their choices (NHS Constitution) Reporting on their local findings to Healthwatch England (HWE) Recommending special investigations by national health & social care Regulator (Care Quality Commission) if needed
FROM BARNET LINK TO BARNET HEALTHWATCH Action plan to get ready for Healthwatch Training on Enter & View Work on 2 issues (1 each health/social care) with new & existing members LINk Governance review Publicise the LINk Work with GPs & others on NHS reforms
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? LINK will set up 2 Task & Finish Groups 1 for each of 2 top issues Groups will - be supported by CommUNITY Barnet - meet every few weeks - finish in 3-6 months depending on topic :
The Task 1. Find out views & experiences of service users/patients 2. Visit the service 3. Find out how Barnet service performs compared to rest of the country 4. Prepare a Report from findings & recommend improvements 5. Follow up with service provider who must respond to recommendations.
TYPES OF HEALTH SERVICES 1 ‘PRIMARY CARE’ GPs, Dentists, Pharmacists Opticians ‘COMMUNITY SERVICES’ District Nurses, Health Visitors, Midwives, Dieticians, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists, Family Planning, Wheelchair Services, Drug & Alcohol services ‘HOSPITAL SERVICES’ local district hospitals covering all types of care inc. maternity & specialist hospitals e.g. Great Ormond St. ‘
TYPES OF HEALTH SERVICES 2 AMBULANCE SERVICES’ emergency ambulance services (London Ambulance Service) & Patient Transport services. ‘MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES’ community mental health teams, primary care mental health workers, crisis services, psychiatrists, psychologists,, outreach workers & care of people admitted to mental health units ‘LEARNING DISABILITY SERVICES’ health support & health treatment for people with learning disability (e.g. autism)
SOCIAL CARE For vulnerable people e.g. Young People, Older people, carers, people with a physical disability, learning disability, dementia, eating disorder, other mental health problem or who People who misuse drug or alcohol
GROUP WORK What do you think needs improving in Barnet’s NHS? What do you think needs investigating in Barnet’s NHS? What do you think needs improving in Barnet’s social care? What do you think needs investigating in Barnet’s social care?