NORTH TYNESIDE CAMHS Specialist Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service Information
Specialist interventions What we do Service organisation Staffing Referral Waiting times Specialist interventions
What we do Direct Clinical Work 1200 referrals per year offered a specialist CAMHS assessment. Over 9000 sessions per year for children & young people having therapies Over 1000 children & young people currently receiving specialist care from the core teams (approx 1 in every 36 children in North Tyneside) 3
Consultation & Liaison Telephone consultation for schools, social services and healthcare professionals 24/7 access to Consultant psychiatrist advice / assessment via GP or Paediatrics Regular meetings with Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Public Health School Nurses, The Language & Communication Team & The RHELAC team Senior CAMHS staff also provide expert advice for legal purposes 4
Teaching and Training A key component to CAMHS work is spent supplying teaching & training for students, trainees and colleagues in partner agencies From the Introduction to CAMHS ‘Everybody’s Business’ training programme (on the North Tyneside training matrix) Targeted training on disorders. Specialist training in therapies and management strategies for individual children 5
Service Organisation Primary Mental Health Workers - At the interface between specialist and wider CAMHS. PMHW’s are a first point of contact for advice & support 3 Generic PMHWs 1Adolescent PMHW (15 – to 18th birthday) 1 PMHW working in CAMHS across YOS and N2L 1 CAMHS/ LD PMHW 2 Specialist CAMHS Teams (tier 3) for children & young people up to the age of 18 years across North Tyneside 2 Specialist Nurse Practitioners for Complex and persistent behaviour disorders Currently in the process of centralisation to one locality base 6
We currently have around 20 full time equivalent staff including: Staffing A multi-disciplinary CAMHS department We currently have around 20 full time equivalent staff including: Camhs Administration support Primary Mental Health Workers Clinical Psychologists Camhs Nurses Social Workers Art Therapist Consultant Psychiatrists Trainee Psychotherapists Trainees from all professional disciplines on Camhs placements 7
PMHWs accept referrals across health, education and social care Source Usually made by other health professionals – GPs, Public Health School Nurses, Health Visitors, Social Workers PMHWs accept referrals across health, education and social care Eligibility Criteria Very few referrals are regarded as “inappropriate” and if there is doubt a child will usually be seen for an assessment 8
Referrals In order to provide early intervention and prevention around emotional needs for children with a learning disability the PMHW/LD can provide short term intervention. Children with a Learning Disability who require Tier 3 intervention for assessment and treatment are directed to the Community Learning Disability Service. Some cases will be discussed between CAMHS and CLDT to decide which service can best meet their needs. 9
All non-urgent cases are seen within 10 weeks (average 4 – 6 weeks) Waiting Times Non-urgent Referrals All non-urgent cases are seen within 10 weeks (average 4 – 6 weeks) Urgent Referrals Urgent referrals can be made by telephone or fax and will be seen as soon as possible, on the same day where necessary 10
Autistic Spectrum disorder Deliberate self harm Attachment Different types of mental health clinical disorders in children and young people Emotional Conduct Hyperkinetic Developmental Autistic Spectrum disorder Deliberate self harm Attachment Eating disorders Habit Post traumatic stress Substance misuse Psychotic 11
Specialist Interventions Initial Specialist Assessment A high quality assessment is key to all successful therapeutic work. It allows us to develop an understanding with each family regarding the specific problems they are facing. An essential part of each assessment is liaison with partner agencies (eg schools) to seek their views. Family consent is vital to this Some children and young people need further assessment to help us to fully understand their difficulties. Examples are cognitive assessment and diagnostic assessment for Autism 12
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Systemic (family) Therapy Specialist Therapies Following on from assessment, each case is offered an individualised package of care with help to choose the right therapy for them Staff are trained in and can offer a variety of specialist therapies including: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Systemic (family) Therapy Individual psychodynamic therapy (including Art Therapy) Specialist behaviour management groups for parents Psychopharmacology (use of medication) 13
CAMHS Audit, Research and Development and User satisfaction Annual CAMHS audit plan against NICE Guidelines User involvement in service questionnaires CAMHS Training evaluations 14
Tracy Scott PCPI Lead NHCFT High School Health Awareness Day June 2011 NHCFT Evaluation and Key Outcomes Staff from CAMHS at NHCFT where invited to be part of a Year 10 National Curriculum Health Day at a local high school. The aims of the day were to raise service provision awareness and to obtain greater understanding of young peoples views, experiences, and ideas which could be embedded into CAMHS future service planning, delivery and improvements. Tracy Scott PCPI Lead NHCFT 15
Suggestions and Recommendations from the High School pupils “Tell more people about positive mental health” “Train teachers and people in school to recognise signs early” “Good information on line on your website” “Advertise around school, making more people aware of who you are” “Try and change your name” “Re-package your image” “Use assemblies/tutorial to increase awareness” “Have drop in sessions in school” Local North Tyneside High School pupils responses June 2011 16
CAMHS CASE DISCUSSIONS WITH DELEGATES Typical issues which may present at CAMHS appointments from young people 14 – 18 years Issues cover Confidentiality & Safeguarding 17
Partnership Working - CAMHS & CONNEXIONS ‘ Helping Hands ‘ a programme supporting Young people in North Tyneside with emotional needs A presentation by Connexions Youth Worker – Ella Hallpike 18
NORTH TYNESIDE CAMHS Albion Road Resource Centre, Albion Road, North Shields NE29 0HG Tel: 0191 2196665 19