1 Commissioned by:Developed by: 1 Commissioned by:Developed by: 1 ELIGIBILITY TOOL ELIGIBILITY TOOL for staff to use in facilitative Information, Advice and Guidance in Traineeships
2 Commissioned by:Developed by: 2 Commissioned by:Developed by: ELIGIBILITY TOOL HOME PAGE This pack has been prepared for staff who are providing information, guiding and advising young people on their work and training options and in particular ‘Traineeships’. ***** Please answer the following questions - preferably with the prospective trainee present. (The ‘Home’ button in the top right hand side of each screen will return you to here, the back button on the top left will return you to the page you came from ).
3 Commissioned by:Developed by:Commissioned by:Developed by: Job Centre Plus Contact Eligibility etc. Learning Difficulties Types Dyslexia Careers National Careers Service Suggestions Requirements Qualifications Apply SFA Info (Staff Only) RESOURCE BANK
4 Commissioned by:Developed by: 4 Commissioned by:Developed by: 4 All young people undertaking a Traineeship will be required to study English and Maths unless they have achieved a GCSE A*–C in those subjects or for those aged 19–23 a GCSE A*–C in those subjects or a functional skills qualification at Level 2 TRAINEESHIP REQUIREMENTS
5 Commissioned by:Developed by: 5 Commissioned by:Developed by: 5 Traineeships last anything from six weeks to a maximum of six months depending on the needs of the individual and include: 1.A meaningful, high quality, work experience placement of at least six weeks with an employer, to provide real insight and experience into the world of work. 2.Work preparation training delivered by a training organisation which can include CV writing, interview preparation, interpersonal skills and local business and sector information. 3.English and Maths support from the training organisation to improve young people’s literacy and numeracy skills if required. In addition to these basic elements, the employer and the training organisation can add flexible additional content to meet the needs of the business, the individual trainee and the local labour market; which could include a relevant, industry specific vocational qualification. WHAT IS A TRAINEESHIP?
6 Commissioned by:Developed by: 6 Commissioned by:Developed by: 6 The age range refers to individuals aged 16, 17 or 18 on 31 August in the funding year in which they start. The age range refers to individuals aged 19 or older on the 31 August in the funding year that they start but are not aged 24 or older. Traineeships are also be available to young people who are aged 16 or over and under 25 who are subject to Learning Difficulty Assessments. For the purposes of Traineeships employed is defined as an individual who has a contract of employment. However, the individual is not classified as employed if they work fewer than 16 hours a week. Traineeships are designed for people who have had little exposure to the workplace. If they have had significant paid or unpaid work experience then a Traineeship might not be right for them. TRAINEESHIP REQUIREMENTS
7 Commissioned by:Developed by: 7 Commissioned by:Developed by: 7 Suitable for a Traineeship Maybe unsuitable for a Traineeship Unemployed and have little work experience Already have the skills and experience needed to start an Apprenticeship or find work Motivated to work The most disengaged young people, who require very intensive support Aged and qualified below Level 3 or and have not yet achieved a full Level 2 Aged 24 plus (unless they are subject to Learning Difficulty Assessments ) Can be ready for employment or an Apprenticeship within six months of engaging in a Traineeship Already in a job TRAINEESHIP CHECKLIST TRAINEESHIP CHECKLIST
8 Commissioned by:Developed by: 8 Commissioned by:Developed by: 8 Are you considering a new career or employment? Select ‘Info’ for more information about Traineeships CAREER OPTIONS
9 Commissioned by:Developed by: 9 Commissioned by:Developed by: 9 AGE REQUIREMENTS Are you younger than 16 years of age? AGE REQUIREMENTS
1010 Commissioned by:Developed by: 10 Commissioned by:Developed by: 10 Are you years of age? AGE REQUIREMENTS
1 Commissioned by:Developed by: 11 Commissioned by:Developed by: 11 Are you aged years of age? AGE REQUIREMENTS
1212 Commissioned by:Developed by: 12 Commissioned by:Developed by: 12 Are you older than 24 years of age? AGE REQUIREMENTS
1313 Commissioned by:Developed by: 13 Commissioned by:Developed by: 13 Do you have any learning difficulties? AGE REQUIREMENTS
1414 Commissioned by:Developed by: 14 Commissioned by:Developed by: 14 Do you have a Level 2 or 3 qualification? ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS
1515 Commissioned by:Developed by: 15 Commissioned by:Developed by: 15 Are you currently employed and working more than 16 hours per week? WORK EXPERIENCE
1616 Commissioned by:Developed by: 16 Commissioned by:Developed by: 16 Do you have any work experience in your prospective career? WORK EXPERIENCE
1717 Commissioned by:Developed by: 17 Commissioned by:Developed by: 17 Is your work experience substantial - for example over a long period of time? WORK EXPERIENCE
1818 Commissioned by:Developed by: 18 Commissioned by:Developed by: 18 What is stopping you? Are you aware of the opportunities available? Undecided? - A Traineeship may help you decide DON’T KNOW?
1919 Commissioned by:Developed by: 19 Commissioned by:Developed by: 19 You may not be eligible for a Traineeship. … please use ‘Info’ to check For further ideas / opportunities please use the ’Link’ to the National Careers Service. CHECK YOUR ELIGIBILITY
2020 Commissioned by:Developed by: 20 Commissioned by:Developed by: 20 You may be a good prospect for a Traineeship. Select ‘Info’ for more information? Do you want to apply? TRAINEESHIP IS A GOOD POSSIBILITY
2121 Commissioned by:Developed by: 21 Commissioned by:Developed by: 21 Are you are younger than 16 and still at school? …If so then you will need to consult with your School Careers Adviser. If you are older than 24 and do not have learning needs then you may not be eligible for a Traineeship. CAREER AND JOB ADVICE
2 Commissioned by:Developed by: 22 Commissioned by:Developed by: 22 You must be age and qualified below Level 3 …or age and have not yet achieved a full Level 2 qualification or equivalent If you are under 16 and still at school then select ‘Continue’ for career ideas TRAINEESHIP REQUIREMENTS
2323 Commissioned by:Developed by: 23 Commissioned by:Developed by: 23 You may need further assessment to ensure a Traineeship is the right progression path for you Have you been formerly assessed before? LEARNING DIFFICULTIES
2424 Commissioned by:Developed by: 24 Commissioned by:Developed by: 24 THANK YOU FOR USING THIS GUIDANCE TOOL! END
2525 Commissioned by:Developed by:Commissioned by:Developed by: Job Centre Plus Contact Eligibility etc. Learning Difficulties Types Dyslexia Careers National Careers Service Suggestions Requirements Qualifications Apply SFA Info (Staff Only) RESOURCE BANK
2626 Commissioned by:Developed by:Commissioned by:Developed by: Job Centre Plus Contact Eligibility etc. Learning Difficulties Types Dyslexia Careers National Careers Service Suggestions Requirements Qualifications Apply SFA Info (Staff Only) RESOURCE BANK
2727 Commissioned by:Developed by:Commissioned by:Developed by: Job Centre Plus Contact Eligibility etc. Learning Difficulties Types Dyslexia Careers National Careers Service Suggestions Requirements Qualifications Apply SFA Info (Staff Only) RESOURCE BANK
2828 Commissioned by:Developed by:Commissioned by:Developed by: Job Centre Plus Contact Eligibility etc. Learning Difficulties Types Dyslexia Careers National Careers Service Suggestions Requirements Qualifications Apply SFA Info (Staff Only) RESOURCE BANK