Connexions Dudley Website Training (Insert Name) (Insert date)
Aims of the Presentation To explain why the website has been developed To develop your knowledge about the website and demonstrate the functionality To provide you with an overview of the “livechat” system Demonstrate the applications that are included within the website and how these benefit young people Answer any questions or concerns you may have about using the website
Why the need to have a new website? April 2011 the Connexions service changed, we no longer provide any face to face universal support The pending Education Bill means that from September 2012 schools will be under a duty to secure access of independent and impartial careers guidance Local authorities will retain a statutory duty to encourage, enable or assist young peoples participation in education or training (Section 68 of the Education & Skills Act) Local authorities will also have a responsibility to ensure vulnerable young people engage in education or training Connexions developed an interactive, web based solution to enable the local authority to fulfil the above requirements and support schools with their impending duties Similar projects have taken place across the country but we are the first in the Black Country Connexions still provides face to face targeted work for young people aged ( and up to 25 if they have a learning difficulty or disability
The website Can be found at Has over 125 pages dedicated to young persons information, advice and guidance Sections have been divided into easy to navigate tabs, including specialist support for those with learning difficulties or disabilities Contains links to all our major partners both locally and nationally Hosted on an external server so it can cope with increased demand and usage
Live chat A function that enables young people to communicate with a trained Personal Adviser using the internet Operates like a chat room in that a young person types their message and a PA will reply 100% safe- child protection procedures are the same as one to one interventions All information, questions and replies are recorded Accessible to anybody that has internet connectivity. Can even be used via mobile phone!
Useful Applications Latest news Here we can post latest news from around the borough e.g. information on college enrolment Events Here we can post up open days, or activities that are going on in the borough Blogs We have three blogs and we welcome blog entries from young people Careers Resources Here young people will be able to access applications such as Kudos or Careerscape to help with career decision making Videos We can post videos or support guides that talk young people through things like filling in applications or writing a CV Enquiry form Any young person that has a question can complete an enquiry form. This will be posted to our mailbox and they will receive a reply within 2 working days Easy Read For young people struggling to see the screen we have the ability to change background colours and text sizes
Any questions or improvements? We have some packs available to support this presentation which will talk you and your young people through the website We are continually trying to improve our website so any suggestions or improvements would be gratefully received. Please your thoughts and comments to: We will now show you a run through of the website and the functions that it can provide….