Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Advocacy for All bigger voices – better lives
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board David Curtis Development and Operations Manager of independent advocacy services
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Advocacy for All provides advocacy services in Bromley Bexley Kent Sutton commissioned to work with people in other areas
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Advocacy for All’s advocacy projects in Bromley
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Young People’s Advocacy age 14 – 19 people with a learning disability and/or Autism supporting young people in transition to adulthood
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Advocacy for Autism age 18 and over people with Autism and Asperger’s syndrome eligible and non eligible
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Outreach Advocacy Project age 18 and over people with a learning disability or difficulty people who are not eligible for services
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We want to work with VoiceAbility to make sure people are listened to in Bromley
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Advocacy for All’s other projects in Bromley Bromley Sparks Bromley Speaking up Group Speaking up in Schools
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Speaking up Together Young Advisers Personalisation Project Easy Read Group Advocate 4 Health
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board any questions
Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Advocacy for All we believe if people have bigger voices they will have better lives thank you for listening