Think you can’t afford to get out of Idaho? Actually you CAN! With the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program Go to one of over 140 Colleges for significant scholarship, and near in-state tuition.
What is the WUE? WUE is a regional program that allows students living in participating western states, to attend a public college or university in one of the other participating states for a reduced price off out-of-state tuition. States involved in this program are: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
How does it work? Example: In-state tuition = $10,000 WUE Discounted tuition = $15,000 Out-of State tuition = $20,000 You save = $5,000 0 Be sure to talk to the admissions counselor and/or find out online about each individual school’s handling of this program. Every school is different, and some might offer more of a scholarship then others. 0 If there is a separate application APPLY EARLY, most schools have a cap on how many students receive this award
What’s the catch? 0 It does not work for private schools 0 Some schools have specifications on which majors are accepted for recipients to pursue. 0 Even if you are living in a new state, while you are receiving a WUE scholarship you cannot become an in-state resident.
The resource to use: Use this website to view school profiles of all participating schools. Profiles will show you: -Cost of attendance (including WUE breakdown) - List of approved majors - Enrollment and Contact Information