Opening Question #1 – 3/?/13 In your own shopping experiences, list some common reasons that customers OBJECT to buying a product.
Continuing the Sales Process (Ch 14.2 – 15) Marketing I
4. Overcoming Objections 5. Closing The Sale 6. Suggestion Selling 7 4. Overcoming Objections 5. Closing The Sale 6. Suggestion Selling 7. Relationship Building We’ll start with step 4 ~ Overcoming Objections…
Understanding Objections Overcoming Objections Objections – are concerns, hesitations, doubts, or other honest reasons a customer has for not making a purchase Could be questions or statements: “Do you carry other brands?” “These shoe do not fit right.” Are they positive or negative? Positive – Gives salesperson an opportunity to present more information Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Excuses vs. Objections? Examples: Overcoming Objections Excuses – are insincere reasons for not buying or not seeing a salesperson Examples: “I’m too busy to see you today.” “We don’t need anymore…” “I’m just shopping around.” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Objections vs. Excuses? Hard to distinguish between them. Overcoming Objections Hard to distinguish between them. If you can’t tell… …In retail: Be polite and courteous Encourage them to look around and ask any questions …In B2B: Leave a business card Ask to be seen at a more convenient time Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Welcome and Plan for Objections Overcoming Objections Objections can occur at any time and should be answered promptly. Objections: Help you redefine customer’s needs Show when the customer wants more information Welcome objections! Research shows a positive relationship between customer objections and a successful sales outcome Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Objection Analysis Sheet Overcoming Objections Plan for objections… Objection Analysis Sheet – Details common objections and possible responses Prepares salespeople for the most common objections that might occur You can also incorporate anticipated objections into your product presentation But avoid introducing doubt Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Common Objection Categories Overcoming Objections “I really like this sweater but it doesn’t match anything I own.” Need – No immediate need or conflict between wanting something but not truly needing it “The color of this car is hideous!” Product – Concern about such things as: construction, quality, size, appearance or style “The last time I bought something here, you wouldn’t let me return it.” Source – Occurs due to a negative past experience with the firm or brand Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Common Objection Categories (cont.) Overcoming Objections “That’s more than I want to spend.” Price – Common with high-quality, expensive merchandise “Why should I buy a snow blower now when they’ll go on sale at the end of the season?” Time – Reveals a hesitation to buy now. These objections are sometimes excuses. Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
4-Step Process for Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Listen Acknowledge Restate Answer See the following 7 methods for handling objections Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
4-Step Process for Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Listen to the Objection Be attentive, maintain eye contact, let the customer talk Acknowledge the Objection Show you understand and care Example: “I can see your point.” Don’t disagree by saying “you’re wrong.” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
4-Step Process for Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Restate the Objection “I can understand your concerns. You feel that… Am I correct?” Paraphrase; don’t change the meaning Answer the Objection Find a point of agreement Never try to sound superior Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Seven Specialized Methods of Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Substitution Boomerang Question Superior Point Denial Demonstration Third-party Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Seven Specialized Methods of Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Substitution – recommending a different product that would satisfy the customer’s needs Customer: “I don’t like the way this dress looks on me.” Salesperson: “Here, why don’t you try this dress. It has a completely different look. I think it will fit your style better than the one you just had on.” Boomerang - Sends the objection back to the customer as a selling point (using the same feature) Customer: “Jacket is too light to keep me warm.” Salesperson: “It’s light because it uses thinsulate…” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Seven Specialized Methods of Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Question – Can reveal hidden objections or show objection is not valid Customer: “I don’t see the point of 2 sinks in a master bathroom.” Salesperson: “Do you and your husband ever need to get ready to go out at the same time?” Customer: “Yes.” Salesperson: “Does one you have to wait at those times?” Customer: “Yes, I see your point.” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Seven Specialized Methods of Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Superior Point – acknowledge the objection, but offset it with other features/benefits Customer: “Your prices are higher than your competitors.” Salesperson: “That’s true. Our prices are slightly higher, but our garments are made from high quality…” Denial – When the objection is based on misinformation or appears as a question Customer: “This garment will shrink. Won’t it?” Salesperson: “No, it won’t shrink because it’s a cotton and polyester blend…” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Seven Specialized Methods of Handling Objections Overcoming Objections Demonstration – Based on the saying: Seeing is believing Customer: “I can’t believe food won’t stick to this pan if you don’t use butter or oil.” Salesperson: “I’m glad you brought that up. Let me demonstrate how…” Third Party – Use prior customer or neutral person to validate point Customer: “I can’t believe this will save me $1,000 per year.” Salesperson: “Frank Smith, one of my customers, thought the same thing. He bought it and saved $1,200. Here’s a letter from him…” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Opening/Closing Question OQ #4 – February 9, 2011 Compare and contrast the boomerang method with the superior-point method. Both methods take a negative comment and return with a positive one. In the boomerang method, the salesperson turns a negative comment into a positive one. In the superior-point method, the salesperson responds with a completely different positive comment.
Opening Question #4 February 14, 2011 Create an objection analysis sheet for one of the products you discussed in the Pre-Approach section of your Sales Training Manual. It must use ONE from each common objection category – and ONE specialized method!
Closing the sale Things to think about… When to close What do look for Overcoming Objections Things to think about… When to close Timing What do look for Buying Signals Trial Close Why Beneficial Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Closing Concepts By definition: Timing the Close? So how do you know? Overcoming Objections By definition: A positive agreement from customer to buy Timing the Close? When customer is ready Should you always finish presentation before a close? No, be flexible So how do you know? Look for buying signals… Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Buying Signals Definition Overcoming Objections Definition Things customer says/does to indicate readiness to buy Facial expressions Body language actions Comments …What do you do when you see buying signals? Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
The Trial Close Definition Initial effort to close the sale Overcoming Objections Definition Initial effort to close the sale Why beneficial? If unsuccessful Learn something (objections) If successful Close the sale Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
4 Rules for Closing the Sale Overcoming Objections Recognize closing opportunities – after? Presentation/Removing objections Help customers make decision Summarize features and benefits Create ownership mentality “You will enjoy using this camera on your vacation.” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building Don’t talk too much
Specialized Methods for Closing the Sale Overcoming Objections Four specialized methods: Which Close Standing-Room-Only Close Direct Close Service Close Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
“Which Close” Method for Closing the Sale Overcoming Objections Which Close – Encourages customer to decide between 2 items Follow these (3) steps: Remove unwanted items to limit selection to 2 items Review benefits of each item Ask “Which one do you prefer?” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
“Standing-Room Only Close” Method for Closing the Sale Overcoming Objections ‘SRO’ Close – When product is in short supply or price going up soon Use only when it honestly calls for it Closing the Sale Car salesperson: “This is the last of this model in stock. The new model will cost more.” Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
“Direct Close” Method for Closing the Sale Overcoming Objections Direct Close – Ask for sale Use if buying signal is very strong Examples: “I assume that we’re ready to talk about the details of your order?” “Would you like to pay with cash, check or credit card?” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
“Service Close” Method for Closing the Sale Overcoming Objections Service Close – Explains services that overcome obstacles or problems Examples Retail – Accepting credit, layaway, return policy, free alterations, delivery, warranties & guarantees B2B – Longer payment terms, samples Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Failure to Close the Sale Overcoming Objections Don’t panic if initial effort is unsuccessful Have more opportunities, if you treat customer with RESPECT! Retail selling Invite customer back to store B2B selling Ask if you may contact them in future (Buyer’s guilt) Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Failure to Close the Sale (Continued) Overcoming Objections Get Feedback Learn from experience Set stage for future sale Maintain a positive attitude Don’t show disappointment Leave door open Is a salesperson born or made? Learned traits – honesty, confidence, problem solving skills Also – training, apprenticeship, experience Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Opening Question #4 List the 4 rules for closing the sale. Give a brief explanation for each.
6. Suggestion Selling
Step 6: Suggestion Selling Overcoming Objections Suggestion Selling – is selling additional goods or services to the customer. Any other items that could: Save time/money Make the original purchase more enjoyable. EXAMPLE: A customer buys a camera, and the salesperson offers a memory card. Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Benefits of Suggestion Selling Overcoming Objections Who does it benefit: Salesperson, customer and company Salespeople: customers will want to do business again, plus added commission (at times) Customer: he/she is more pleased with the original purchase Company: the time and cost involved in suggestion selling is less than the cost of making the original sale… Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Let’s Look at an Example Overcoming Objections Purchase With Suggestion Selling Pants $75 Shirt 35 Total $110 Cost of Goods Sold - 55 Gross Profit $55 Other Expenses - 15 Net Profit $40 Purchase Without - 37 $38 - 12 $26 Purchase Without Suggestion Selling Pants $75 Total Cost of Goods Sold - 37 Gross Profit $38 Other Expenses - 12 Net Profit $26 Closing the Sale WHY??? Less time and effort are needed with suggestion selling compared with the initial sale. Certain business expenses (utilities & rent) remain the same, despite the extra sales activity. Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Let’s Look at an Example Overcoming Objections Closing the Sale WHY??? Less time and effort are needed with suggestion selling compared with the initial sale. Certain business expenses (utilities & rent) remain the same, despite the extra sales activity. Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Opening Question #5 February 16, 2011 Create an objection analysis sheet for one of the products you discussed in the Pre-Approach section of your Sales Training Manual. It must use ONE from each common objection category – and ONE specialized method! JUST WRITE: Objection Analysis Sheet
5 Rules for Suggestion Selling Overcoming Objections Do suggestion selling after the customer has made a commitment to buy, but before payment is made or the order written. Make your recommendation from the customer’s point of view and give at least one reason for suggestion. Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
5 Rules for Suggestion Selling Overcoming Objections 3. Make the suggestion definite. Don’t say “Will that be all?” Say “This oil is specifically designed…” 4. Show the item you are suggesting. 5. Make the suggestion positive “This scarf will complement your coat.” Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Suggestion Selling Example Overcoming Objections CROSS-SELLING Closing the Sale SPECIAL SALES OPPORTUNITIES UP-SELLING Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
3 Suggestion Selling Methods Overcoming Objections Offering Related Merchandise – (Cross-selling) is probably the easiest and most effective suggestion selling method. EXAMPLE: Offering a tie to match the shirt. Recommending Larger Quantities – (Up-selling) suggesting a larger quantity (retail) usually works with inexpensive items or when money, time, and/or convenience will be saved. EXAMPLE: Buy 1 hat for $20, or 2 hats for $30 In B2B selling, the salesperson may suggest a larger quantity so the customer can take advantage of lower prices or special considerations. (EXAMPLE: Free shipping) Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
3 Suggestion Selling Methods Overcoming Objections 3. Call Attention to Special Sales Opportunities – salespeople are obligated to communicate special sales opportunities. They often involve new merchandise, special sales, and holiday items. EXAMPLES: “We are having a One-Day Sale on all items in the store!” “Since Valentine’s Day is approaching, you may want to look at our special display of gift ideas.” In B2B selling, the salesperson often show new items to their customers after they have completed the sale of merchandise requested. Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Opening Question #5 What are the 3 methods of suggestion selling? Give an example of each. TEST on ___________ Ch 14.2 – 15
Step 7: Relationship Building Overcoming Objections Relationship Marketing – Strategies businesses use to stay close to their customers Want repeat business by establishing a relationship Completing the sale is the first step establishing a relationship After-sale activities are key… Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
After-Sales Activities Overcoming Objections Processing the Order Bagging/wrapping the order In B2B, Completing the paperwork Departure Reassure the person of the wise buying decisions that have been made Take time to educate customer (give them any reminders) Always thank the customers, and invite them back! Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
After-Sales Activities Overcoming Objections Order Fulfillment Customer pays for the merchandise In E-Commerce, fulfillment is more complicated (which card, packing it, shipping it) Follow-up Follow through on all promises (e.g. certain shipping date) Checking customer satisfaction with the purchase (e.g. phone call, thank you note) Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
After-Sales Activities Overcoming Objections Customer Service How you handle problems, complaints, and maintenance Keeping a Customer File Take notes on conversation, what they bought, their preferences, etc. In B2B, note personal information Evaluate your Sales Effort Companies have formal process Evaluate yourself! - Consider everything you did during the sales process Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Overcoming Objections Involves finding customers and keeping them satisfied Lead generation, sales support, customer service and other after-sales support Involves: Technology Maintaining contact (consultative selling) Maintain relationship (personalized emails) Develop customer loyalty/reward program Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Relationship Building