For all enquiries about our facilities, departments or programs, or to book tickets for any of our main events, please contact our office staff during business hours (Monday to Friday) or speak to one of our friendly welcome's or information desk after the meeting. PO Box 9179, Scoresby VIC 3179 T (03) F (03) E W Monthly Bulletin October 2014 Building Lives, Transforming Communities UPCOMING HIGHLIGHTS 11 th October Men’s Breakfast 18 th October Young Adults Trivia Night 19 th October Loud Shirt Day 25 th October Shopping Tour Loud Shirt Day... Wayne Swift This month we are going to join in with many other people around the country and support “Loud Shirt Day.” On Sunday 19 th October we are encouraging every person to wear an outrageously bold and garish shirt to church on Sunday morning. Loud Shirt Day is an effort to raise funds and awareness of people who suffer deafness. The church will be making a donation towards this great cause. All around us there are people with special needs; sickness, disorders, learning difficulties, OCD, dyslexia and a whole range of other issues plague so many people. Personally I think most of us struggle with some sort of short coming or another it’s just that many go undiagnosed! How we treat people with short comings says a lot about ourselves. Recently I wrote an article about judgemental attitudes and suggested a judgemental attitude may well be borne out of a lack of faith in God or of other people. Just because I see short comings doesn’t mean I should treat those people as less than myself, rather, if I read my Bible correctly I should love all the more. “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’ Matthew 25:45 (NLT) The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my l ife – of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 Did you know? You can direct credit your tithes to the church account. For Scoresby the details are : Bank: Westpac Branch: Bayswater BSB: Account Number: Please put ‘tithe’ etc. in the description so that the funds can be allocated correctly. If you are paying for an event, e.g. breakfast, Impact you can use the same bank details. Please put the event name and your name so we can allocate the funds correctly. Reminder Daylight Savings Starts 5 th October Clocks go forward 1 hour
Music practice Day connect group am Service Young Adults Church am TESOL 7 Music practice am Playgroup 9 Impact Youth 7pm- 8.30pm Ignite 7pm- 9pm 6.30pm TESOL 10 Men’s Breakfast 11 10am Service Connect Groups 9.30am TESOL 14 Gather & Grow am Playgroup 16 Impact Youth 7pm- 8.30pm Ignite 7pm 9pm 6.30pm TESOL 17 YA Fundraiser 18 10am Service am TESOL 21 Music practice 10am Inspire am Playgroup 23 Impact Youth 7pm- 8.30pm Ignite 7pm 9pm 6.30pm TESOL 24 Shopping Tour Biking Group 25 10am Service Connect Groups 9.30am TESOL 28 Gather & Grow am Playgroup 30 Impact Youth 7pm- 8.30pm Ignite 7pm 9pm 6.30pm TESOL 31 October 2014 For all enquiries about our facilities, departments or programs, or to book tickets for any of our main events, please contact our office staff during business hours (Monday to Friday) or speak to one of our friendly welcome team after the meeting. MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Sundays 1330 School Holidays Saturday 18 th October $10 per person (up to 10 per table) BYO snacks and cold drinks (tea & Coffee provided) For bookings Contact Shae Baxter: