Introduction The purpose of this induction is to: welcome you to your course discuss how we can all work together to create a positive and safe learning experience advise you of our policies and procedures set some ground rules for us all to agree share course details and arrangements
General Toilets - where are they? Mobile phones - let’s agree a protocol in the classroom In the event of an emergency : – Collect your valuables – Leave the building via the nearest fire exit – Gather at the assembly point – Do not go back to the classroom until the all clear has been given – If you have a sensory or mobility difficulty you will have an agreed personal emergency exit plan (PEEP).
If you have a disability or support need that may affect your learning, please talk to us so we can help you in the best way. Please speak to us if you have any concerns, complaints, worries or difficulties. Please speak to us if you feel you need support with your literacy, language or numeracy skills. All conversations will be confidential. If you tell us – we can help. Learning and Learner Support
We all have the right to feel safe when and where we learn. No one should be threatened, bullied, hurt or abused by anyone. Remember: We all have a role to play in keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe from harm. The Neighbourhood Watch website has some useful information about Personal Safety Watch Safeguarding is everyone’s business If you have any concerns for yourself or others, please inform your tutor or call…..our number?
Health and Safety Do remember to look around and make sure everything is safe for you and others Tell your teacher if you think that there is a hazard e.g. broken furniture Computers Please be aware of trailing cables Please do not eat or drink near the computers Shut down the computer using the proper procedure – don’t just turn it off! Be aware of all practices and policies relating to correct computer use.
Equality and Diversity Equality - having access to the same opportunities as everyone else Diversity - recognising and valuing variety in all of us, our different backgrounds, knowledge, experiences and skills Ground Rules: Now let us agree our ground rules!
Policies We have a range of practices and policies, for example: Complaints & Compliments Equalities Health & Safety Harassment & Bullying Internet & Computer Usage Safeguarding: Protection of Vulnerable Adults / Children
Information, Advice and Guidance If you would like information on ‘Where do I go from here?’ then speak to your teacher There will also be an independent, advice and guidance session (IAG) as part of this course. You will be able to arrange a personal interview with one of our National Careers Service Advisers if you wish. They can advise on learning and career opportunities.
Course Paperwork Enrolment Form & Learner Agreement Your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Agreed Assessments & Assignments Learner Feedback
And finally … Enjoy your course! We’re here to help you succeed. If you have any questions please just ask us. Contact - Lead Tutor: Martin – Home Counties Community Media Support Tutor: Dee – 4YP