Pancreas Exocrine function: secretes pancreatic juice into small intestines Pancreatic juice includes buffers to increase pH of chyme Pancreatic enzymes Lipase Amylase Proteases Liver Reddish-brown, ~3.3lb 4 lobes: left, right, caudate, quadrate Hepatocytes: liver cells that secrete bile into the common bile duct (duodenum) or the cystic duct (gallbladder) Gallbladder pear-shaped organ; functions in storage of concentrated bile ACCESSORY ORGANS (PANCREAS, LIVER, & GALLBLADDER)
Metabolic regulation: monitor levels of nutrients in blood from digestive tract Hematological regulation: removes aged and damaged RBCs, debris and pathogens from circulation Bile production: bile salts emulsify lipids into small droplets for absorption FUNCTION OF THE LIVER
Cirrhosis: fibrous (scar) tissue replaces healthy tissue Alcoholism Hepatitis A & C : viral infections Symptoms: jaundice, liver failure, etc… CLINICAL NOTE: LIVER DISEASE
Horse-shoe shaped, from end of ileum to anus (~5ft) Functions: Water absorption Vitamin absorption Compaction and storage of feces 3 sections Cecum: compaction; attached to appendix Colon: 4 segments (ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid) Rectum: temporary storage of feces Internal anal sphincter (involuntary) External anal sphincter (voluntary) THE LARGE INTESTINE
Polyps form in colon and become malignant Second most common form of cancer Prevention and early detection can save your life!! CLINICAL NOTE: COLON CANCER
Carbohydrates: salivary amylase begins breakdown; continued by pancreatic amylase in small intestine; form simple sugars which are transported into the bloodstream via the liver. Lipids: triglyceride emulsified into small droplets; bile salts from micelles which are then transported into the bloodstream Protein: HCl and digestive enzymes (proteases) break proteins into single amino acids which are absorbed into the bloodstream DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION
Inability to breakdown lactose (lipid in milk) At adolescence, lactase production can decrease/stop Causes digestive problems Possible treatments: probiotics CLINICAL NOTE: LACTOSE INTOLERANCE
Water & Electrolytes: water flows from high to low [C] of water; easily moves into surrounding tissues to maintain osmotic equilibrium Vitamins: fat-soluble (A,D, E and K) absorbed in micelles; water-soluble (B vitamins and vitamin C) are easily absorbed by epithelium (vitamin B12 needs intrinsic factor) DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION
Epithelium becomes thinner as division rate of stem cells decreases Smooth muscle tone decreases making contractions weaker Cumulative damage from exposure to toxins, etc… (i.e. liver disease, tooth decay) Increase in cancer rate Domino effect from other systems (i.e. dental health or dietary change) AGING & THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
Chapter Objectives 1-5 (p. 515) Vocabulary: mucosa; submucosa; muscularis externa; serosa; peristalsis Due: Wednesday, 4/10 Chapter Objectives 6-11 Due: Monday, 4/15 Chapter 16 Test: Monday, 4/15 HOMEWORK