Study Skills I have a test next week, so now what? By Mrs. Smith
Knowing how you learn will help you know how best to study. Take the Learning Style Inventory Visual -likes to read -usually a good speller -memorizes by seeing pictures -remembers faces -finds verbal directions difficult -plans in advance -quiet by nature -notices detials -usually neat and organized Kinesthetic /Tactile -in motion most of the time -taps pencil or foot when concentrating -reading not a priority - whispers while reading to yourself -likes trying new things -uses hands to gesture while talking Auditory - talks to self aloud -enjoys talking -easily distracted -likes to be read to -memorizes sequentially -enjoys music -hums or sings -outgoing by nature -enjoys listening activities
Red light, Yellow light, Green light You don't know when asked You have to think a while before you can answer You know this without even thinking about it. 1. The Civil War was the result of differences in politics, slavery, and economics % of the factories in the U.S. were in the North. 3. The North controlled most of the railroads and banks. 4. The southern states were agricultural, or farming. 5. The main crops were rice, tobacco, sugar cane, and cotton. Read all your red notes 1 time Then read your red notes and yellow 1 time Finally read all your notes You only read the notes 3 times. Try to break it up to 5 note lines a day. The next day you read these and the next 5 and so on.
Make A Foldable Using Your Notes
Make it A Game What you need: your notes or study guide (completed) index cards or construction paper cut in squares What to Do: On one card, write the name of a person from your notes, on a second card, write the event for which the person is known in history; and on a third card, write the date(s) for the event. Do this for four or five people from the time being studied. -Use the cards to review -Then shuffle and deal an equal number to you and someone else. Choose one of your cards to read aloud (ex. Harriet Tubman) if your partner has the event or date they have to give you the card. If they don't have the card it is their turn. Continue playing until there are no cards left.
Mnemonics Are Your Friend: The basic idea is to help learn something by making a fun or catchy phrase or picture to go with it.