Mrs. Marx: 5 th Grade Possible Sequence for the year SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. SUBJECT SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography Review: EXPLORERS: Colonial America:United States Revolutionary War:The Fifty States: Location and direction Individual Research for Reports Reports on life in the colonies Events leading up to the war Geographic Study of the United States Maps and symbols with a Spanish componentoutcomes and historical relevance Geographic terms Important PeopleIndividual State Reports Staying current with international and national events will occur all year long.Students will follow the Iditarod Field Trip to the CourthousesBIZ Town Junior Achievement Program WRITING Teach and utilize the six traits of writing: ideas and content, organization, voice, sentence fluency, word choice and conventions Common Assignments: personal narrative, informational article, persuasive, and literary analysis. Collect work samples that meet or exceed the benchmark of “4” in each of the traits Weekly homework called “Night Write”. Opportunities for “Free Write” in class. Spelling Program: Students will work with a weekly list that parallels the curriculum they are learning in class. D.L.R: Daily Language review is used daily to improve grammar skills, sentence formulation, punctuation, and general writing skills. Typing: Practice with word processing will occur throughout the year. Potential exposure to self paced typing program. READING Scott Foresman, Reading Street, Basal Reader: teach targeted skills throughout the year Read novels from various genre throughout the year through independent reading requirement and book groups. Sustained silent reading throughout the week. Teacher read aloud: Class novel will be chosen by students and teacher will read aloud to students modeling oral reading. Students will be exposed to and expected to read; text books, newspapers, research material, magazines, and reference material. Preparation for meeting state benchmarks for reading on the Statewide Assessments for reading and literature: Students will read and complete a blue book mark for 27 books (20 English and 7 Spanish). English side- Nine of these books come from prescribed genres and the other eleven are free choice. Speech and Listening Students are expected to be both attentive listeners and to present speeches and presentations to the class during the year. There will be 2-3 speeches per quarter in order to obtain one Work Sample that meets or exceeds the fifth grade benchmarks. The health curriculum Know Your Body will be taught throughout the year. It focuses on peer relationships, making decisions, emotional and physical health, diet and nutrition and sexual health. These lessons will be taught in both English and Spanish. Computer work will be in the form of word processing, internet research, learning about power point presentations, and keyboarding lessons/practice. ART WILL BE TAUGHT BY LYNN MALTZAN AND MYSELF. WE WILL ALSO BE WORKING WITH BRIAN DAVIS LEARNING SAMBA IN THE SPRING Health TECHNOLOGY