Arizona’s Common Core Standards 1
Identify Priority Standards to prepare students for college and careers. Incorporate research-based instructional strategies that increase rigor across all content areas. Essential Questions 1.Why is it essential to prioritize standards and identify? 2.How do formative assessments support these goals? 3.What can I do to ensure that my instructional practices are rigorous enough? 4.How can I successfully integrate reading instruction within other content areas? GOALS
Priority Standards are a carefully selected subset of the total list of the grade-specific standards within each content area that students must know and be able to do by the end of each school year in order to be prepared to enter the next grade level or course. PRIORITY STANDARDS DEFINED
Supporting standards are those standards that support, connect to, or enhance the Priority Standards. They are taught within the context of the Priority Standards, but do not receive the same degree of instruction and assessment emphasis as do the Priority Standards. SUPPORTING STANDARDS DEFINED
PRIORITY STANDARDS Readiness (for next level of learning) Endurance (concepts & skills that last over time) Leverage (Crossover application to other areas) External Exams (national, state, college, career )
PRIORITY STANDARDS AND SUPPORTING STANDARDS * 6 Like fence posts, Priority Standards provide curricular focus in which teachers need to “dig deeper” and assure student competency Like fence rails, “Supporting Standards” are curricular standards which connect to and support the Priority Standards. Supporting Standards Priority Standards (Essential)
When considering whether to select one standard over another, determine which one is the more comprehensive or rigorous. HELPFUL TIP “If a student could do this one, that would take care of this other one.”
TWO STANDARDS: ONE POST, ONE RAIL 8 5.RI.3 – Explain the relationship or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. 5.RI.1 – Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Priority Supporting
ARIZONA’S COMMON CORE STANDARDS CCSS are presented in the context of Priority Standards in Chapter 5, pp
BUILDING THE FOUNDATION Construct Unit Planning Organizer 4.Prepare a Pacing Calendar 3.Assign the Standards 2.Name the Units of Study 1. Prioritize the Standards
RIGOROUS CURRICULUM DESIGN PLANNERS. 9/17/ Unit Planner Organizer Assessment Planner Engaging Learning Experiences Detail Organizer Weekly & Daily Planners
DESIGNING THE CURRICULAR UNIT OF STUDY 9/17/ Twelve Essential Steps 1.Unwrap/deconstruct Priority Standards 2.Create Graphic Organizers 3.Decide Big Ideas & Essential Questions 4.Create End-of-Unit Post-Assessments 5.Create Pre-Assessments 6.Identify Vocabulary, Interdisciplinary Connections, 21 st Century Learning Skills 7.Plan Engaging Learning Experiences 8.Gather Instructional Resource Materials 9.Incorporate High-Impact Instructional Strategies 10.Detail Unit Planning Organizer 11.Create Informal Progress Monitoring Checks (Check for Understanding) 12.Write Weekly Plans; Design Daily Lessons
STUDENT What is more effective? “You should have turned left.” “Turn left, drive for 112 miles then make a right at exit 501.” Lesson Planning Progress Monitoring Checking for Understanding Monitoring and Adjusting
High-Impact Instructional Strategies 21 st Century Learning Skills Research-Based Effective Teaching Strategies Differentiation, Including Enrichment Response to Intervention Strategies (Tiers 1, 2, 3) Specially Designed Instruction English Language Learner Strategies
MAIN IDEA SKILLS Identifying main idea is fundamental Students often get lost in details Summarizing main idea carries over to all areas – even social life / adulthood Question generating by the students promotes higher order thinking skills 9/17/
The first Spanish explorers, such as Coronado, had left horses behind. For a time, bands of horses roamed wild. Then the Native Americans learned to tame the horses and to ride them. As more learned to ride, they moved onto the Plains. With the horse, the Native Americans could easily follow the buffalo herds. Horses also made it easier to chase down and kill buffalo. Because hunting buffalo took far less effort than farming, buffalo became the main food of the Native Americans who lived on the Plains. Spanish explorers left horses behind Horses on the plains The use of horses changed life for the Native Americans who lived on the Plains Too Specific: Too General: Just Right: Main Idea
The first Spanish explorers, such as Coronado, had left horses behind. For a time, bands of horses roamed wild. Then the Native Americans learned to tame the horses and to ride them. As more learned to ride, they moved onto the Plains. With the horse, the Native Americans could easily follow the buffalo herds. Horses also made it easier to chase down and kill buffalo. Because hunting buffalo took far less effort than farming, buffalo became the main food of the Native Americans who lived on the Plains. Let’s Practice!
Native Americans Horses Sp. Explorers Left behind NA tamed wild horses Helped hunt Wild & Roaming Food FarmingBuffalo
Native Americans Horses Sp. Explorers Left behind NA tamed wild horses Helped huntWild & Roaming Food FarmingBuffalo
Main IdeasDetails Native Americans lives changed Horses Food learned how to tame wild horses hunting was faster than farming settlers left them behind bands ran wild NA tamed them helped NA hunt buffalo Farming took a long time Hunting buffalo was quicker with the help of horses
29 The Key Comprehension Routine; Joan Sedita
1.Find someone who is wearing similar shoes than you and discuss some effective instructional strategies you have used. 2.Write down at least 1 strategy. 3.We will share out. SOLE MATE
Claudia Gaxiola