FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Program Overview
FCAT Explorer From the Florida Department of Education
FCAT Explorer FCAT-like practice on all FCAT-tested strands and benchmarks Reinforces important science concepts Available at no cost to all Florida public schools Accessible from any computer connected to the Internet Interactive practice program Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Fidelity with the Official FCAT Strict adherence to the Sunshine State Standards and DOE’s Test Item and Performance Task Specifications Rigorous item development process Items drafted by science teachers and professional item writers Items reviewed by instructional designers, testing specialists, science teachers, and subject matter experts SR item in Strand G: Life and Environment Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer FCAT-like Practice FCAT-like practice on all tested strands and benchmarks A: Nature of Matter B: Energy C: Force and Motion D: Processes that Shape the Earth E: Earth and Space F: Processes of Life G: How Living Things Interact with Their Environment H: Scientific Thinking MC item in Strand G: Life and Environmental 215 FCAT-like practice items 125 Multiple Choice (MC) 45 Context Dependent (CD) 24 Short Response (SR) 6 Extended Response (ER) 15 Open Response (OR) Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer FCAT-like Practice Same style, format, scope and cognitive level as FCAT Reviewed by teachers for interest and difficulty Number of items per benchmark based on teacher recommendation Difficulty of benchmark Difficulty for struggling students ER item in Strand H: Scientific Thinking Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Instructional Support Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer 1 ST ATTEMPT CORRECT Learning Guidance Congratulations! Correct Answer Explanation (CAE) Confirms the elements that make an answer correct Reinforces effective skill application Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer 1 ST ATTEMPT INCORRECT Learning Guidance Includes hints to clarify the question without giving away the answer Immediate second chance to apply the skill correctly Click on Glossary Terms for definitions of more difficult science concepts. Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer 2 nd ATTEMPT For CORRECT answer, CAE confirms and reinforces accurate skill application For INCORRECT answer, the explanation Learning Guidance Identifies correct answer Explains why the answer the student chose was incorrect Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Practice Items Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer FCAT-like Practice Items Same formatting details as on the FCAT Same notation conventions as on the FCAT MULTIPLE CHOICE (MC) MC in Strand G: Life and Environmental Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks FCAT-like Practice Items CONTEXT DEPENDENT MULTIPLE CHOICE (CD) Students read a short passage Answer three multiple choice items based on passage content Students can review passage at any time CD in Strand G: Life and Environmental
FCAT Explorer Students are presented with two sample student responses and are asked to select the high scoring answer Reinforces critical thinking by asking students to compare two sample answers SHORT-RESPONSE (SR) SR in Strand E: Earth and Space FCAT-like Practice Items Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Student reads a response and assigns it a high or partial score. Simulation strategies recommended by teachers EXTENDED-RESPONSE (ER) FCAT-like Practice Items Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Based on classroom instructional practices Requires student to compare and assess critical attributes ER in Strand E: Earth and Space
FCAT Explorer FCAT-like Practice Items OPEN-RESPONSE (OR) Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Students compose original answers Read high-score sample response Read explanation of attributes that earn sample response a high score Compare student’s original composition to high-score sample response Option to print OR in Strand A: Nature of Matter
FCAT Explorer Special Features Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Linked (blue) words in first incorrect response Click speaker icon to hear word pronounced Definition Spanish and Haitian Creole translations GLOSSARY Special Learning Features
FCAT Explorer READ/INQIRE/EXPLAIN (RIE) ICON Available on SR, ER, and OR items Students click on the RIE icon to view rubric Rubric helps students identify elements included in high scoring answers Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Special Learning Features
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Science Vocabulary Exercises Special Learning Features Before each item set, students work with science terms important to that benchmark Frayer model approach
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Science Vocabulary Exercises Special Learning Features Summary screen at completion of set Same words appear in vocabulary games at end of benchmark sequence
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Animated Vocabulary Games Special Learning Features Play one of four vocabulary games upon completing a group of benchmarks Includes repetition of question for incorrect responses
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Remedial Lessons Special Learning Features Provided when students miss 3 or more items per benchmark sequence Each annually assessed benchmark offers a lesson
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Remedial Lessons Special Learning Features Interactive Students control pace Learning checks spaced throughout Reinforcement of key concepts
FCAT Explorer Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks Remedial Lessons: Super SRs Special Learning Features Students build answer by dragging sentences Focus on key ideas needed to answer question
FCAT Explorer Special Learning Features Links directly to items answered incorrectly Helps students focus on skill improvement Displays corresponding strand CHALLENGE LIST Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Educators’ Tools Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Educators’ Tools Classroom Teacher’s Desk Vocabulary Exercise Review Curriculum resources Table of Strands and Benchmarks Item Review Open Response Items Vocabulary activities review Letter to Parents Lesson Review Fluency List Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Check progress on individuals or classes View science data by Benchmark Compare percentage correct before and after instructional support Student Performance Reports AT THE CLASSROOM TEACHER’S DESK Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer The Parent & Family Guide Accessible from the home page without a password Available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole Helps parents, guardians, and mentors understand the Sunshine State Standards and the FCAT Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Linked from the home page Download this PowerPoint presentation Download the School Administrator’s Desk Manual Download the Teacher’s Desk Manual Program-specific presentations Download other presentations Visit the Educator Resources Page Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Toll-Free Help Desk Accessible from the home page without a password FCAT Weekdays from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer To get sign-in names and passwords School Principals: Contact your District Office and speak to the FCAT Explorer District Administrator Teachers: Contact your FCAT Explorer School Administrator FCAT Explorer Home Page ( Science Station: 5 th Grade Benchmarks
FCAT Explorer Sneak Preview! 8 th Grade Science
FCAT Explorer
Same Instructional Features as 5 th Grade Science Vocabulary exercises and games All item types Strand-based remedial lessons Super SRs—Mini Lessons within item sequence
FCAT Explorer Super SR—Mini Lessons: Step 1
FCAT Explorer Super SR—Mini Lessons: Step 2
FCAT Explorer Super SR—Mini Lessons: Step 3
FCAT Explorer Delivery Schedule: Science 8 th Grade Science—December 31, th Grade Science—June 2008 Focus Mini Assessments—
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