Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness 2-4 September 2008 Accra, Ghana Introduction to the Marketplace of Ideas.


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Presentation transcript:

Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness 2-4 September 2008 Accra, Ghana Introduction to the Marketplace of Ideas

Following the First High Level Forum (Rome 2002) and the Second High Level Forum (Paris 2005), the Third High Level Forum will bring together world leaders, ministers, agency heads and representatives from civil society organizations to discuss making aid more effective.

Ministerial- Level Meeting Roundtable Discussions Marketplace of Ideas Accra Agenda for Action Nine Round- tables Share aid effectiveness best practices HLF3- Accra

Builds on success of Marketplace at Third Roundtable on MfDR in Hanoi 2007 more than 200 countries, donors, multilateral institutions and CSOs have been invited to submit a poster outlining a development project that demonstrates their experience in implementing the goals of aid effectiveness outlined in the Paris Declaration. These posters will be on display at the Marketplace of Ideas in the Accra International Conference Center for the duration of the HLF. The Marketplace

Themes of the Paris Declaration 1. Ownership: Partner countries exercise effective leadership over their development policies and strategies, and coordinate development actions. 2. Alignment: Donors base their overall support on partner countries’ national development strategies, institutions, and procedures. 3. Harmonization: Donors’ actions are more harmonized, transparent, and collectively effective. 4. Managing for results: Managing resources and improving decision making for development results. 5. Mutual accountability: Donors and partners are accountable for development results. Posters will focus on at least one of the themes of the Paris Declaration The Marketplace

Provides a practical forum for showcasing innovative best practices and lessons in aid effectiveness Introduces an innovative approach to information sharing and cross fertilization of knowledge Encourages creativity and discussion

Required Headings: 1.Overview 2.Highlights 3.Results/Impact achieved 4.Lessons Learned for replication/scale-up 5.Contact Info Posters can be submitted in English, Spanish or French The Marketplace Poster Specifications

awards - to be given for Best Poster for each theme & an overall People’s Choice a Marketplace Guidebook - to provide a short summary of each project, as well as information about each participating country, agency or NGO the Speaker’s Corner - to serve as a venue for country participants to present their posters/projects The Marketplace Also featuring…

Poster examples from Hanoi AfghanistanNepalChile

Timeline for Marketplace Submissions Thursday, 22 May Identify case and key contact person for poster Friday, 20 June Draft posters without artwork Friday, 4 July Poster drafts/abstracts of cases and country profiles returned to participants for review Friday, 18 July Approved versions of posters, abstracts and country profiles submitted by participants Friday, 1 August Abstracts and country profiles finalized and sent for translation and production

- strengthening primary education management in Bangladesh -Belgium’s support for Burundi’s Common Fund for Education -Portugal/IPAD’s assistance in building a basic health care system in Sao Tome and Principe -monetary policy stabilization and reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo The Marketplace Preview of 2008 Marketplace participants

For more information about the Marketplace, please contact Victor Barnes or Melissa Janis at Or visit our website