interedition Interoperable Supranational Infrastructure for Digital Editions
Research area Literature & Cultural History Digital scholarly text editing & publishing Heuristic & statistical text analysis
Background Word processing does not suffice Inadequate transformations of traditional textual media into digital environment Focus on publishing environments rather than on research environments Technical ineptness of commercial and ´standard´ solutions for scholarly research
Reasons for the Action Unavailability of digital infrastructure Lack of philological modeled data exchange protocols and web services Current technical solutions limit effective collaboration Lack of possibilities for scholars and developers to converge and coordinate individual efforts Create synergy between the large number of national and institutional initiatives…
50° 16' 0" North, 8° 9' 0" East Location:Darmstadt, Germany Institution:Technical University Darmstadt Project:Textgrid Scale:National Challenges/Strengths: Vast corpus handling Text to Grid technology Grid based web services
52° 47' 0" North, -1° 92' 0" East Location:Birmingham, United Kingdom Institution:ITSEE Project:XML Collate Scale:Institutional Challenges/Strengths: Text collation Web based text fragment identification
51° 22' 0" North, 4° 42' 0" East Location:Antwerp, Belgium Institution:University of Antwerp Project:Genetic Criticism of Becket Scale:Institutional Challenges/Strengths: Text genetic heuristics and analysis Digital manuscript representation Digital transformation of textual data
45° 48' 0" North, 16° 0' 0" East Location:Zagreb, Croatia Institution:University of Zagreb Project:Digitizing Croatian Latin Writers Scale:National Challenges/Strengths: Database publishing Digital classical text representation
52° 07' 0" North, 4° 37' 0" East Location:The Hague, The Netherlands Institution:Huygens Institute Project:Edition Machine Scale:Regional Challenges/Strengths: Usability, visualization & interfaces Text databases Development process
48° 87' 0" North, 2° 33' 0" East Location:Paris, France Institution:ITEM Project:HyperNietzsche Scale:Supranational Challenges/Strengths: Digital text theory Digital text representation
51° 05' 0" North, 3° 72' 0" East Location:Ghent, Belgium Institution:CTB/KANTL Project:DALF Scale:Regional Challenges/Strengths: XML Document Formats Digital Text Applications
52° 07' 0" North, 4° 37' 0" East Location:The Hague, The Netherlands Institution:DANS Project:Easystore Scale:National Challenges/Strengths: Digital Text Data Archiving Text Data Versioning Web service integration
51° 75' 0" North, -1° 25' 0" East Location:Oxford, United Kingdom Institution:AHDS/OTA Project:Oxford Text Archive Scale:National Challenges/Strengths: Digital Text Archiving
Supranational Infrastructure Too ambitious for solitary research & development groups Individual groups are forced to focus on parts of an overall infrastructure Lack of supranational coordination causes duplication of effort and focus
interediti n
The Interedition Objective Roadmap for the development of an interoperable supranational infrastructure for digital scholarly editing, publishing and analysis Provided through the opportunity for involved and interested research and development groups to interact within the Interedition coordinating platform
Secondary Objectives Set of proof of concept web services Proposals to acquire funding for production implementation level research and development Obtain wider European involvement
Benefits Effective and efficient international collaboration between researchers and developers of the infrastructure Roadmap for production implementation Recommendations for formats, services and protocols Increased European dissemination of knowledge and know how about tools and infrastructure for digital scholarly editing Creation of opportunities for new scholarly research collaborations
Organization Management Committee Project Manager Working Groups Prototyping (WG1) Strategic IT (WG2) Roadmap (WG3) EU Dimension (WG4)
Dissemination Target groups, differentiated levels of expertise Workshops Key PR occasions Conference presentations Active European ´reach out´ program
interediti n End of presentation COST/ESF Brussels September 19th, 2007