8 th Grade Registration and Explore Night February 2014
Agenda Welcome Overview of the registration process Graduation requirements 9 th grade course options Explore Test score report Post-secondary planning tools Preparing for the future
Registration Information Guidance counselors will share registration information with 8 th grade students on Monday, February 3 rd or Tuesday, February 4 th in advisory –Registration Process –Registration Worksheet –Quick overview of class options Guidance counselors will take 8 th grade students to the computer lab to officially register for classes on Wednesday, February 12 th
Registration Worksheet Needs to be completed and brought to school on Wednesday, Feb. 12 th – worksheet will be used to input requests and then collected. There will not be a lot of time to ask/answer questions that day, so be sure to ask questions (teachers or counselors) and/or review on-line registration information prior to that day. 15 circles 3 alternate electives Parent Signature Can download a copy from the website if lost
On-Line Registration Information Go to GUIDANCE: REGISTRATION and COURSE INFORMATION Registration information by grade Registration information by grade Copy of the registration worksheet Copy of the registration worksheet Graduation checklist – to assist with 4 year planning Graduation checklist – to assist with 4 year planning Copy of the power point that we used with students Copy of the power point that we used with students Specific information about courses (by subject area) Specific information about courses (by subject area)
Graduation Requirements Class of 2018 Complete required courses Complete required courses Earn a minimum number of credits Earn a minimum number of credits Pass required tests Pass required tests
1. Required Courses Class of 2018 English 4.0 Credits Social Studies3.5 Credits Science (including Bio and Chem. or Physics) 3.0 Credits Math (including Stats) 3.0 credits PE0.5 Credit Health.25 Credit Speech.25 Credit Fine Arts1.0 Credit
2. Required Credits 23.5 credits required for graduation 1 semester course = 0.5 credit 1 full year = 1.0 credit Students typically earn 6-7 credits each year
3. Required Testing MCA/GRAD Test in Reading – grade 10 MCA/GRAD Test in Math – grade 11 Students must meet the state benchmark for each of these tests or complete one of the equivalency tests There are very intentional test prep activities happening in the classrooms prior to testing.
Post-Secondary Requirements 4 – year college requirements or recommendations that go beyond the MWHS graduation requirements: 4 – year college requirements or recommendations that go beyond the MWHS graduation requirements: 2 years of a Foreign Language (through the second level) 4 th year of Math and Science Advanced and/or rigorous courses
Grade 9 Requirements 1 year of English: English 9 or Honors English 9 1 year of Math: determined by current math class/grade 1 year of Physical Science 1 semester of Geography 1 quarter of Speech 9 1 quarter of Health 9 1 semester of PE 9 1 year of Fine Arts (anytime in grades 9-12)
Grade 9 Electives ART: (Fine Arts) Drawing I, Drawing II* Art I Painting I*, Painting II* Ceramics I* BUSINESS: Game Programming Introduction to Business Introduction to Marketing
Grade 9 Electives COMMUNICATION ARTS: (Fine Arts) Introduction to Theater Acting for Stage and Screen INDUSTRIAL TECH: Introduction to Technology Woods I* Intro to Engineering – full year Engineering Design and Development– full year* ( Strongly recommended to take Intro to Engineering first) Principals of Engineering – full year* (Must be enrolled in or taking Algebra II or Algebra IIX)
Grade 9 Electives MUSIC: (Fine Arts) Varsity Choir – full year Symphonic Band – full year WORLD LANGUAGE: Spanish I – full year Spanish II* - full year Mandarin Chinese I – full year Mandarin Chinese II* - full year STUDENT PREP PERIOD: Student Prep A – semester 1 Student Prep B – semester 2 Student Prep B – semester 2
2012 Explore Test Tiered Results Tier (15%)Score Tier I21.9 Tier II19.2 Tier III17.9 Tier IV16.6 Tier V15.5
8 th Grade Seminar Class New this year Focused on helping 8 th grade students have a successful transition to the high school Representatives from Guidance, Administration, Activities and the Technology Team were invited in to discuss pertinent information Guidance Lessons focused on: –Graduation requirements –Understanding GPA and transcripts –Reviewing college admission requirements –Utilizing a personality profile on Naviance
8 th grade Advisory Activities About once a month Led by guidance counselors Topics are related to post-secondary planning: –Introduction to guidance counselor and Naviance –Exploring options beyond high school –Registration/importance of a 4-year plan –Review Explore results –Next steps
Preparing for the Future Talk with your student about their future Exposure to and/or research career information Subtle Exposure to the college environment Drive through campus while on family vacation Go to a college sporting event or concert Stroll through an area college campus Support your student as they work through the planning process…work with them, not for them.
Research/ Exposure to Information –Naviance – link on the Guidance Webpage Username: FirstnameLastname Password: Student ID# –Explore website –College Prep Guide District website under ACADEMICS tab
Reminders Students will receive registration information next week. It is also available on-line. Students will officially register on Wednesday, Feb. 12 th. Students need to bring their completed worksheet that day. Please discuss class choices as a family prior to registration and sign the registration worksheet.
Guidance Contact Information Tina Kampa (A-G) – Ann Baumann (H-N) – Tiffany Simon (O-Z) – Lynne Laube (Administrative Assistant) –