Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), 06.-07. April 2006 EURONS 1st annual report: Generalities (I)  With an EC contribution of 14,056,000.


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Presentation transcript:

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 EURONS 1st annual report: Generalities (I)  With an EC contribution of 14,056,000 € EURONS is a rather sizable contract.  Such a project requires special care and dedicated measures of monitoring and control.  These activities are pursued by the MANET Network.  The challenge for the project management is not to be viewed by the scientific community as an additional administrative burden, but rather as a means of simplification and optimization.  The interface between the community and the project management is assured by the Project Coordination Committee (PCC), which is composed out of all Activity Co-ordinators.

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 EURONS 1st annual report: Generalities (II) The project controlling was finalized and approved by the PCC during its first meeting in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal) in February All activities have agreed on a common and streamlined approach. In particular, an Activity Information Sheet (AIS) has been developed for internal use to collect, display and monitor information and progress of the activities. This standardized sheet allows easy electronic processing and analysis. This further allows an easy integration into web-based information, which is anyhow EURONS' preferred information interchange platform (see

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 Milestones reached in 2005

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 Deliverables accomplished in 2005

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 EURONS spendings of EC- contribution in 2005 INFRASTRUCTURES

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 EURONS spendings of EC contribution in 2005 All contractors (except Infrastructures)

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 EURONS spendings of EC contribution in 2005 "Deviation" from initial implementation plan

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 Financial Flow of EC-Funding (planned vs.achieved)

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 General Observations: 1. "Access" Access was extensively used by the nuclear structure community. Access was extensively used by the nuclear structure community. The implementation of access activities led to a further access The implementation of access activities led to a further access facilitation due to the streamlining of the modalities. All facilitation due to the streamlining of the modalities. All facilities have set up users selection panels and have held facilities have set up users selection panels and have held selection panel meetings. Most of the access activities have also selection panel meetings. Most of the access activities have also held users meetings. held users meetings. It turns out, that the inherent flexibility of an I3 is quite It turns out, that the inherent flexibility of an I3 is quite adequate to compensate for technical imponderabilities affecting adequate to compensate for technical imponderabilities affecting the facility access. This allows to adjust the cash flow according the facility access. This allows to adjust the cash flow according to the actual users' needs. to the actual users' needs. Overall, 101 user projects have been supported, the access of Overall, 101 user projects have been supported, the access of 590 individual users was promoted, and 6062 beam units were 590 individual users was promoted, and 6062 beam units were devoted to the EURONS project. devoted to the EURONS project.

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 General Observations: 2. "Networking" The networking activities aim at fostering future collaborations, The networking activities aim at fostering future collaborations, pooling of resources and dissemination of results. pooling of resources and dissemination of results. Some of these activities have not yet started (in accordance Some of these activities have not yet started (in accordance with their schedule), others have already reached important with their schedule), others have already reached important first achievements. first achievements. For instance CARINA has held a first workshop on "Perspectives For instance CARINA has held a first workshop on "Perspectives in European Nuclear Astrophysics", with the goal of an in European Nuclear Astrophysics", with the goal of an assessment on quests in nuclear astrophysics and a preliminary assessment on quests in nuclear astrophysics and a preliminary mapping of European collaborations, laboratories, and mapping of European collaborations, laboratories, and instrumentation in this field. instrumentation in this field. Also EWON has already installed working groups, has held Also EWON has already installed working groups, has held several collaboration meetings, and started mapping activities of several collaboration meetings, and started mapping activities of nuclear physics in the south-east European countries of EWON nuclear physics in the south-east European countries of EWON participants. participants.

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 General Observations: 3. "JRA" Joint research activities have already contributed to an Joint research activities have already contributed to an improvement of performance and capabilities of the facilities. improvement of performance and capabilities of the facilities. New ion sources and related techniques lead to the availability New ion sources and related techniques lead to the availability of more intense primary beams, to improved emittance of of more intense primary beams, to improved emittance of extracted beams, to a higher selectivity and purity of extracted beams, to a higher selectivity and purity of secondary beams. secondary beams. Also safety aspects related to intense secondary beams are Also safety aspects related to intense secondary beams are addressed. addressed. Simulations aiming at novel detection concepts and tests with Simulations aiming at novel detection concepts and tests with new detectors and/or prototypes show first promising results. new detectors and/or prototypes show first promising results. All activities are in full swing and on track. All activities are in full swing and on track.

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 General Observations: 4. "Info-Xchange" The web-based information exchange within EURONS and the The web-based information exchange within EURONS and the dissemination to the science community and the public is fully dissemination to the science community and the public is fully operational. operational. The efficient use of such electronic media, which is one of the The efficient use of such electronic media, which is one of the prime goals of the EURONS management, speeds up the prime goals of the EURONS management, speeds up the information sharing between the participants working in information sharing between the participants working in different universities and institutes. different universities and institutes. In this context, it is also observed, that resources allocated In this context, it is also observed, that resources allocated for management purposes are well justified. for management purposes are well justified.

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 General Observations: 5. "NuPECC" NuPECC, the European nuclear physics collaboration committee, is regularly informed about the progress of EURONS and asked for input and advice. NuPECC, the European nuclear physics collaboration committee, is regularly informed about the progress of EURONS and asked for input and advice. Conversely, NuPECC will also rely heavily on its dedicated networking activity within EURONS in order to contribute to define its long term scientific policy. Conversely, NuPECC will also rely heavily on its dedicated networking activity within EURONS in order to contribute to define its long term scientific policy. Coordination efforts have been started with the EURISOL design study and the NUSTAR collaboration. Coordination efforts have been started with the EURISOL design study and the NUSTAR collaboration.

Alex C. Mueller, MANETEURONS PCC-Meeting, Mainz (Germany), April 2006 Concluding Remarks  "Overall, it is to be noted that all activities are well on schedule. Therefore the implementation plan for the next period does not contain any significant deviation from the contract." (end of the "summary" of the Annual Report")  Certain EURONS "paperwork" is apparently "appreciated" by other communities/coordinnators: - FZK (Annex 1) - ENEA (Consortium Agreement)