Ray L’Amoreaux President & CEO VCLi
WELCOME VOLUNTEERS A New & Exciting Opportunity Awaits
PARTNERSHIP Sharing SALT in Prison
BILL ANDERSON Prison Fellowship Executive Director
SALT SEMINARS 431 AZ & CA Seminars English and Spanish
25,000 INMATES 387 Documented SALT Bible Studies
RECEIVED JESUS 2,290 Documented (1 ST Time) Over 100 PF Volunteers Trained
SANDRA TARLEN Director of VCLi Prison Ministry 17 years on staff
SEMINAR STORIES Inmates Experience A renewal of their faith God reveals His love & forgiveness Learn to forgive their offenders
A TYPICAL SEMINAR A Two-Day Weekend Event
A TYPICAL SEMINAR A Two-Day Weekend Event Teach from the Spiritual & Social SALT books (8 lessons) Quiet Time for answering ?s Group discussion time
A TYPICAL SEMINAR A One-Day Event Teach from any of the SALT books (4 lessons) Normally between 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Give out certificates
SALT SEMINAR Feedback from Participants
SALT SEMINAR Feedback from Reyes P. Seriously opened my eyes I need more of Jesus in my life. Teachings on forgiveness and love impacted me. My heart is less heavy because of this weekend.
TESTIMONIES Robert N. Shared - Incarcerated at 16 years of age. In prison now for 10+ years True life and true peace come from an intimate relationship with God. Seminar refreshed and reopened my eyes. Realize the overlooked sin in my heart.
TESTIMONIES Scott G. Shared - I was saved because of this course. Thank you, Sandra, for teaching. May many more inmates be blessed by attending this course.
SALT TESTIMONY Chris B. shared - I have forgiven my mother for abandoning me. Thank You, Lord, for this ministry.
SALT SEMINAR James W. says I forgave my brother’s wife for killing him. This is what I needed in my life. May God bless you!
REPEAT ATTENDER Feedback from Wes J. -
SEMINAR EVALUATION James D. said - I have learned more in the 2 days of this seminar than I have over the 22 years I’ve been in prison.
VOLUNTEER FEEDBACK Judith P. says - Best prepared Christian teaching I have received and shared within almost 40 years of walking with Jesus.
ENGLISH & SPANISH SALT Touching More Lives
DAVID HEFFINGTON PF’s Volunteer Development Director
DAVID HEFFINGTON Had This To Say About SALT - Using SALT with ex-offenders SALT is wonderful & very helpful Men love the ease of understanding the key principles and the Bible references Practical application to their lives There’s a training program for SALT instructors I would recommend these materials and instructor’s training to anyone
ONLINE COMMUNITY VCLi Members The Benefits Set of SALT workbooks and DVDs (one per month) Access to all 28 SALT lessons online Access to SALT Training the Leader The Treasury and Blogs Access all 12 lessons of God’s Clarion Call Major discount on the SALT Instructor’s Guide and other VCLi discipleship materials.
VALERIE PAINE Director of Materials On staff since 1999
BECOME A MEMBER Only $9.79 a month