Alaska Ocean Observing System 2009 Regional Coordination Workshop Seattle, WA August 25,
Part 1: Project Status Report Alaska Regional Coastal and Ocean Observing System and Regional Association Project Investigators: Ms. Molly McCammon Dr. Mark Johnson Dr. Carl Schoch Project Duration: FY 07: 1 year, Aug 07-08, $750k FY 08-10: 3 years, just began year 2; $1 m each year
3 Project Status Report: RCOOS Schedule & Milestones Data and Information System Long-term office space, high-speed internet connectivity and access to significant data storage at UAF’s supercomputing center DMAC users identified including: oil & gas, insurance companies, agencies, researchers DMAC structure designed & implemented & real time data acquired & displayed Custom pages developed, satellite data services Provide data management services for other programs (e.g., NPRB, NSSI, ARCOD) Prince William Sound Observing System NDBC buoy upgrades Weather station & mooring deployments WRF, SWAN & ROMS model domain development for PWS Data assimilation for PWS ROMS model NPZ model domain development for PWS PWS OSE – field experiment complete; data analysis now underway Education and Outreach Program Stakeholder focus groups & workshops Implement successful COSEE Alaska Develop and test prototype Harbornet Station designed & built at Seward Harbor Real-time field testing underway
4 Project Status Report: RA Schedule & Milestones Stakeholders, partnerships, user needs Refine user needs assessments Formalize stakeholder councils Develop partnerships Governance and administration Adopted new MOA, now updating w/procedures Finalize committee structure Business and operations plans Develop plans for AOOS implementation – waiting more guidance Individual plan components in place: data mgmt, E&O, RA mgmt, obs, models Plan for & implement RCOOS: Alaska Statewide and 3 regions Workshops Collaboration w/other funding entities Data management and communications subsystem DMAC Committee, national DMAC activities Data support for PWS Field Experiment Pursue additional support: federal & industry data groups Education, outreach and public awareness Website & print materials Materials for PWS FE Implement successful COSEE Alaska Collaborations Many
5 Project Status Report: RCOOS Accomplishments Overall Statewide recognition of AOOS Support of federal and state agencies Significant player in other ocean observing planning initiatives Data Management System System developed compliant with national standards & protocols AOOS data plan viewed as model regional plan Serves as regional data portal: provides statewide data and information products Provides data management services to NPRB & other programs: AMIS Provided data support for PWS FE PWS Observing System Observing system components deployed WRF, SWAN, ROMS & NPZ models completed and running Models & data assimilation tested during Sound Predictions 2009: major field experiment July 2009 AOOS DMAC tested for ingesting & serving up data USCG, NOAA Hazmat, & Alyeska used AOOS data during FE to test their models Products: web-based drifter trajectory tool from JPL; Google-Earth products
6 Project Status Report: RA Accomplishments Stakeholders, partnerships, user needs Recognized as significant player in all stakeholder/partnership activities AK Climate Change Strategy Initiative; Federal Climate Change Roundtable, NOAA regional collaboration team, etc. Governance and administration Adopted new MOA State, federal & research partnerships actively engaged; now adding private sector Business and operations plans MTS Journal article submitted describing a model for incorporating scientific, stakeholder, & social & economic concerns into setting priorities for 3 year plan Plan for & implement RCOOS: Alaska Statewide and 3 regions Arctic Collaboration Workshop w/industry & agencies PWS Field Experiment Data management and communications subsystem Data support for PWS Field Experiment AMIS: support from NPRB Education, outreach and public awareness Website & print materials Materials for PWS FE Implement successful COSEE Alaska Collaborations PWS Field Experiment - numerous
7 Keys to Success Development of AOOS Data and Information Management System Developed data management plan w/assistance of national IOOS DMAC team & AOOS DMAC Committee – recognized at natl level as model regional initiative fully compliant w/natl IOOS standards; recognized at state level as THE marine data system for AK Support from federal agencies & regional science entities – all on AOOS board Active participation in and support from NOAA Regional Collaboration Team AK is one region for most federal agencies; one university system PWS Field Experiment Partnerships are essential: no 1 entity can do this alone Scale is tractable Statewide Collaborations NOAA Regional Collaboration Team Potential for IOOS RA, Sea Grant, RISA, CZM, Cooperative Institutes Climate change: issue bringing initiatives together
8 Challenges Potential and/or real challenges Geographic scale of AK & lack of existing infrastructure– 4 LMEs Priorities can be determined, but implementation depends on $$$$ Who are our users? How do we get “market” feedback from them? Uncertainty of funding = instability in attracting & keeping skilled workers Agencies and other users facing own budget problems – difficult to get funding support for AOOS Power & telecommunication issues exacerbated by remoteness & harsh weather: e.g., HF radar Much historical data needs rescue & mining Additional funding opportunities are available, but don’t have staff or resources to pursue Resolving challenges Need longer term funding protocol, including leverage & access to other funds Partnerships are essential, but difficult to maintain over long term Create AMIS so that it works so well people want to give us their data Provide federal support for “data rescue and mining” Technological (remote power and telecommunications) – funding for R&D
Current Status: Products 9 Products Level One Minimal processing Level Two Value-added RT Data Model Outputs Satellite RT Data Decision SupportMaps Time Series Ecosystem/Climate Trends X X X X X X X Water Quality Marine Operations X X X X X X X Coastal Hazards X X X X X X X
Current Status: Product Examples Provide 1 stop shop for regional coastal & ocean data Provide nowcasts and forecasts of ocean conditions for third party applications including fishery management, oil spill response & search and rescue 10
Current Status: Observations 11 Variables/ Platforms Fixed- in water, multi- purpose Fixed- in water single purpose Fixed – on landTransects Remote Sensing Physical X (5)X (4)X (6) Meteorological X (8) Chemical Biological X (3)X (6) Geological
Current Status: Modeling and DMAC subsystems 12 Modeling*Region-wide**Sub-regionNot at all Atmospheric X Circulation X Inundation Wave X Hydrological Sediment transport Water Quality/Ecosystem X Fisheries DMACCompleteIn-progressNot at all RA Website that serves data X DIF - working to ensure interoperability X Regional Data Portal x * See guidelines for definitions **Regionwide = entire RA
Map 1a: Existing Observing Assets Directions - Use a Google earth background of your region, please provide a map of your existing system using the legend provided by the sample map of SCCOOS - Consistent backgrounds and legends will enable the development of the final report. If possible, add your RA logo to the lower right side. Below is a sample map from SCCOOS. 13
Nested ROMS Model for PWS Field Experiment 15 1-km 3-km 9-km (PI: Yi Chao)
16 (PI: Yi Chao)
Tracking the Observed Drifter Trajectories 17 There are five types of drifters at four different depths: Surface, 1-m, 10-m, 40-m (PI: Yi Chao)
Interactive Web-based Drifter Trajectory Tool using the hourly ROMS current forecast 18 Option I: Track individual drifters Option II: Track a cluster of drifters (PI: Yi Chao) (Jointly funded by CeNCOOS & AOOS)
Interactive Web-based Drifter Trajectory Tool using the ensemble ROMS forecast 19 A drifter is released and tracked with an ensemble of 12+ ROMS forecasts. The trajectory forecast error can be estimated; for this particular drifter release, the error is 8- km for a 48-hour forecast. (PI: Yi Chao) (Jointly funded by CeNCOOS & AOOS)
Part 2: Looking Forward: Future Plans 20
21 Products Level OneLevel Two RT Data Model Outputs Satellite RT Data Decision SupportMaps Time Series Ecosystem/Climate Trends X X X X X X X Water Quality Marine Operations X X X X X X X Coastal Hazards X X X X X X X Future Plans: Major Products
22 Variables/ Platforms Fixed- in water, multi- purpose Fixed- in water single purpose Fixed – on landTransects Remote Sensing Physical Meteorological18 Chemical5 Biological56 Geological 4 Future Plans: Observations
Future Plan: Modeling and DMAC 23 Modeling*Region-wideSub-regionNot at all Atmospheric X Circulation X Inundation X Wave X Hydrologic X Sediment transport ? Water quality/ecosystem X Fisheries ? DMACYesIn-progressNo RA Website that serves data X DIF - working to ensure interoperability X Regional Data Portal X
Future Plans: Map 24 Instruction: Using Google earth as a background and the same legend as before - provide a general idea of the location of your proposed observing assets. See Sample map from SCCOOS
Funding Scenario 27 Funding Scenarios$3 million$1 million Modeling $600k: only in PWS & CI for GOA, some in Arctic, none in Bering Sea or SE AlaskaNo modeling Observing $1.2 m:only in CI & PWS, some in Arctic, not in Bering Sea or SE, 1 HFR A few key obs in PWS - $300k DMAC and Product Development $ k: maintain regional portal, satellite data processing About $500k effort is minimum to keep data portal & website going RA Management and Outreach $400k: maintenance level staffing Reduced to 1 person staff - $200k; no collaboration initiatives