Statue of Liberty U. S. FlagUncle SamBald EagleLiberty Bell
What city is the Statue of Liberty in? $100 A B C New York Dallas Boise
A Back to Game
Who was the statue a gift from? $200 A. England C. China B. Ireland D. France
D Back to Game
Can you climb up the the torch? $300
No Back to Game
How many points are on the crown? $400
7 Back to Game
What is the name of the newspaper man who helped raise money for the statue? $500
Back to Game Joseph Pulitzer
How many stripes are on the U. S. Flag? $100
Back to Game 13
$200 What is the name of the person who is supposed to have made the first flag?
Betsy Ross Back to Game
How many stars were on the first flag? $300 A. 13 C. 12 B. 14 D. 16
A Back to Game
$400 Who supposedly asked Betsy Ross to make the first flag?
George Washington Back to Game
$500 What shape did George Washington want the flag in?
A Square Back to Game
Is Uncle Sam a real person? $100
No, he is a cartoon. Back to Game
What kind of outfit does Uncle Sam wear? $200
A star spangled suit. Back to Game
$300 What was the saying on the famous World War 1 posters with Uncle Sam on them?
“I Want You” Back to Game
$400 The name Uncle Sam came from the initials U. S. stamped on what kind of crates?
Meat crates Back to Game
$500 What real life man do they think Uncle Sam was a nickname for?
Sam Wilson Back to Game
$100 What is the only continent that bald eagles live on?
North America Back to Game
$200 Is the bald eagle on the Great Seal of the United States?
Yes Back to Game
$300 What did Benjamin Franklin want to be our national bird?
A Turkey Back to Game
$400 What two things does the eagle hold in its talons on the seal?
An olive branch and arrows Back to Game
$500 What language are the words on the ribbon held in the eagles beak on the seal written in? A. C. French B. Spanish D. Latin English
D Back to Game
$100 What happened to the Liberty Bell?
It cracked Back to Game
$200 How many bells cracked? A. 1 B. 7 C. 2 D. 3
C Back to Game
$300 Was the Liberty Bell rung for the first reading of the Declaration of Independence?
Yes Back to Game
$400 What city and state is the Liberty Bell in?
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Back to Game
$500 What is the phrase that Americans use that was inspired by the bell?
“Let Freedom Ring” Back to Game
We will take turns going first, but be prepared with the answer in case other groups are wrong The team must be prepared to show their work if asked by a teacher Back to Game