Welcome! 16+ Learning Choices Evening Thursday 13 th February 2014
Tonight’s Agenda Timetable Profile Timescale Role of parent/carer Pitfalls to avoid Why am I returning to school? High Expectations Choices at 16/18
S1English (5)Maths (4) Modern Languages (2) Technologies (6) 2 x CDT 2 x Computing 2 x HE Science (3)Social Subjects (3) Expressive Arts (4) 2 x Music 2 x Art Mast ercl ass (1) HWB (3) 2 x P.E. 1 x S.E. RP S2English (4)Maths (5) Modern Languages (2) Technologies (6) 2 x CDT 2 x Computing 2 x HE Science (3)Social Subjects (3) Expressive Arts (4) 2 x Music 2 x Art Mast ercl ass (1) HWB (3) 2 x P.E. 1 x S.E. RP S3English (4)Maths (4) Mod Lang (2) Technologies Choice (3) Computing HE Graphics Design & Manuf Science Choice (3) Biology Chemistry Physics Social Subjects Choice (3) Geography History Modern Studies Expressive Arts Choice (3) Music Art Free Choice (3) Chemistry Art R.P. P.E. Free Choice (3) Biology History Graphics Spanish HWB (3) 2 x P.E. 1 x S.E. RP S4Option 1 (5)Option 2 (5)Option 3 (5)Option 4 (5)Option 5 (5)Option 6 (5) HWB (2) 1 x SE/RP 1 x P.E. S5/6Option 1 (6)Option 2 (6)Option 3 (6)Option 4 (6)Option 5 (6) HWB (2) 1 x P.E. 1 x SE/RP Curriculum Model
S4 Option 1 (5) Option 2 (5) Option 3 (5)Option 4 (5)Option 5 (5)Option 6 (5) HWB (2) 1 x SE/RP 1 x P.E. S5/ 6 Option 1 (6)Option 2 (6)Option 3 (6)Option 4 (6)Option 5 (6) HWB (2) 1 x P.E. 1 x SE/RP SENIOR PHASE MODEL
S4S5S6 National 5HigherAdvanced Higher National 4National 5Higher National 3National 4National 5 No AwardNational 3National 4
Unit-based study with internal assessment (NABs) Final Exam _____________________ No Final exam – all internal assessment
Role of parent / carer What does your son/daughter enjoy? What is he/she good at… –In school? –Out of school? What is he/she best suited to? Does he/she have any post-school ideas? Encourage him/her to find out about courses, jobs and qualifications
Pitfalls to avoid.. Do not make a choice because... Your friend is taking it You like (or don’t like) a certain teacher You feel “pressured” to do it The subject is “easy” Remember : You will have to do the work yourself
High Expectations Current climate Be clear – choose wisely Read the Booklet; talk to people! Application Form Interview with Senior Leadership Team Mentoring
S4 – A Pivotal Year One year 6 choices Will shape your future!
S5/6 – Why am I returning to School? Is Whitburn Academy the best place to prepare for my future? These are the questions every student must consider very seriously before, during and after reading the course choice booklet
S5/6 – Application to Return All pupils will need to complete an application All pupils will receive a letter Interviews – may take place All pupils interviewed will receive a letter Monitoring will take place
Critical study year Role models for younger pupils P7 Buddies during Transition Week S5 – Staying on at the Academy?
S6 – Staying on at the Academy? Additional duties e.g. buddying, lunch & break duties Head Boy & Girl / Depute Head Boy & Girl (Interviews) House Captains Prefects Study Room
Timescale Pre- Xmas January 2014 This week February and on By end of Feb March 2014 Deadline for CC Forms S3 Settling In Reports 16+ Learning Choices Evening Discussion in PSE lessons – making good choices S3 Reports; SLT Course Choice interviews S3 Parent Evening – 6 th March; 31stMarch
16 Timescale Pre- Xmas January 2014 This week FebruaryBy end of Feb MarchDeadline for CC Forms S4 Work Experience Parents Evening 16+ Learning Choices Evening Discussion in PSE lessons – making good choices Prelims 19th SLT Course Choice Interviews Reports with prelim grades 31st March S5 Parent Evening Prelims 16+ Learning Choices Evening Discussion in PSE lessons – making good choices Reports with prelim grades SLT Course Choice Interviews; 31 st March
Any Questions?
The rest of the Evening – Choices at 16/18
TimeLocationSummary of topics coveredFacilitator 7.30 Music room 1 Job Search (SDS) Job search using internet. Job search and targeting employers. Steven Smith 7.30Music room 2 College course applications What kind of courses are available? What can college lead to? Funding, applications and interviews. Margaret Hewitt
TimeLocationSummary of topics coveredFacilitator 8.00 Music room 1 Voluntary Sector Gateway (West Lothian) What is volunteering? What opportunities are available? How can young people get involved? Current developments. Jim McGregor 8.00Music room 2 Napier University (University options) Information regarding applications/ UCAS. What can university lead to? Funding and interview information. Jonathan Mills
TimeLocationSummary of topics coveredFacilitator 8.30 Music Room 1 West Lothian Council (Employment options/Modern Apprenticeships) What are modern apprenticeships? What is involved in the application process? Do they involve college and how long do they last? Matt Baxter 8.30Music room 2 Skills Development Scotland(SDS) Role of SDS in career planning and job seeking. Steven Smith
Thank you for listening Information/stalls in the Dining Hall Presentations in Music Rooms 1 & 2 Enjoy the rest of your evening