COLORADO SPECIALQUEST BIRTH-FIVE INITIATIVE Colorado Head Start Association Conference February 2009
WHAT IS EARLY CHILDHOOD INCLUSION? The definition of early childhood from DEC and NAEYC join position statement on inclusion is as follows: Early childhood inclusion embodies the values, policies, and practices that support the right of every infant and young child and his or her family, regardless of ability, to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts as full members of families, communities, and society. The desired results of inclusive experiences for children with disabilities and their families include a sense of belonging and membership, positive social relationships and friendships, and development and learning to reach their full potential. The defining features of inclusion that can be used to identify high quality early childhood programs and services include (1) access, (2) participation, and (3) supports.
WHAT IS SPECIALQUEST BIRTH- FIVE SpecialQuest Birth-Five Vision States and local communities collaborate to provide quality inclusive services for young children with disabilities and their families. This work is supported by embedding the SpecialQuest approach, materials, and resources into professional development and service systems.
WHAT IS THE COLORADO SPECIALQUEST BIRTH-FIVE VISION? Meaningful and full inclusion for children in typical settings.
HISTORY OF SPECIALQUEST Builds upon ten years of work by the Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program (1997–2007). Approach to professional development on inclusion implemented with over 500 Early Head Start/Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs and community partners. SpecialQuest teams participated in ongoing, interactive learning experiences, using a skill- building curriculum and on-site follow-up support provided by Learning Coaches. Continuous improvement processes guided program development and provided evaluation information.
APPROACH Designed to touch the “head, heart and hands” of families and professionals working together to create inclusive communities for young children with disabilities. Relationship- and team-based approach enhances and sustains inclusive services, family leadership skills, and integrated, collaborative service delivery. Teams participate in intensive and engaging learning experiences which use parallel process and continuous improvement strategies. Teams are supported with coaching, facilitation, and follow-up over time to implement high quality inclusive services.
SPECIALQUEST BIRTH-FIVE GOALS Support and expand the SpecialQuest Community, including Over 500 SpecialQuest graduate teams Over 70 SpecialQuest Ambassadors 10 SpecialQuest State Leadership Teams, implementing early childhood professional development for inclusion by embedding the SpecialQuest approach and materials into state professional development systems: Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wyoming
HOW CAN I USE THE SPECIALQUEST APPROACH AND MATERIALS? SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library (English & Spanish) available online for FREE Share lessons learned and innovations relating to family leadership, transition, birth–five populations and use of the approach and materials by faculty An interactive website providing: Networking opportunities Discussion forums Stories from families Resource bank for searching and sharing of practical tools focused on inclusion
FROM THE FIELD… “SpecialQuest has given my program a blueprint for implementing responsive services for children and families. We have expanded from looking at training direct staff to looking at the program itself…This new approach is really making an impact in [our state].”
SPECIALQUEST MULTIMEDIA TRAINING LIBRARY 1. Go to 2. Click on the Multimedia Training Library icon 3. Search for video by: title session keyword content by volume supplements 4. Preview and download resources 5. Learn more about the SpecialQuest approach and materials
WHAT’S IN THE LIBRARY? The volumes are organized by themes: Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Building Relationships with Families Collaboration and Teaming The Web-based SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library contains these resources for viewing and downloading at no cost. The site also offers individuals the option of ordering a complete set of the SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library on CD and DVD.
AN EXAMPLE Teaming and Collaboration- Together We’re Better
HOW CAN THE CO SPECIALQUEST BIRTH-FIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM SUPPORT YOU? Technical Assistance Professional Development planning related to Inclusion Building Collaboratives and Teams Upcoming Webinar- Spring (May) “Calendar” Your ideas?...
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Pair Share What insights have you gained today? What ideas and strategies would you be interested in or could take back to your program? What worked? Suggestions?
CONTACT INFORMATION SpecialQuest Colorado State Liaison-