3rd age Universities in Poland Ryszard Kiełbasa
The first 3rd Age University in the world was established in Touluse (France) in Just 3 years later prof. Halina Szwarc founded the first University in Poland (Warsaw).
Since then, 385 3rd Age Universities have been established in Poland. More than 100,000 people is involved in educational, artistic, phisical and voluntary activities.
2012 year was claimed as the year of 3rd Age Universities in Poland as in whole Europe.
National Conference of 3rd Age Universities – Warsaw, April 2012
Amounts of 3rd Age Universities in the regions of Poland
Krośnieński Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku 3rd Age University in Krosno
About us… Founded in We are association Under the auspices of Krosno University Accommodation at ZSKU (Centre of Continuing Education) Funds: membership fee, gifts and grants Around 230 students in 2012
Our offer: Open lectures, meetings with interesting people Foreign languages lessons: English, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, French Computer classes Painting Handicraft Cabaret Law principles Movie discussion club Physical exercise Swimming pool Excursions
Swimming pool
Visit in European Parliament in Brussels
We cooperate with other 3rd Age Universities in Podkarpackie Region. So far we have participated in 2 Grundtvig projects, now we are approved in 2 more.
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