Current status of A. Matsuoka, Y. Miyoshi, I. Shinohara, T. Takashima, K. Asamura, and ERG project team ERG project ERG project Van Allen Probes SWG 2014/09.


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Presentation transcript:

Current status of A. Matsuoka, Y. Miyoshi, I. Shinohara, T. Takashima, K. Asamura, and ERG project team ERG project ERG project Van Allen Probes SWG 2014/09

ERG Project Team

ERG satellite (M-class mission of ISAS/JAXA) ・ apogee geocentric distance : 5.5 Re ・ perigee altitude: 300 km ・ inclination angle: 31 deg (Lmax ~ 9) ・ initial apogee MLT: 09:00 ・ spin period: 8 sec ・ planned launch date: ・ nominal mission life: > 1yr ・ Launch vehicle: Epsilon

FY Mission Definition Review. System Requirement Review. Mission Status & Schedule FY System Definition Review FY Preliminary Design Review FY Critical Design Review FY Development of the flight model/integration test Launch of the satellite

・ Magnetometer Network : MAGDAS, 210MM, STEL, Antarctica Network (Flux gate/search coil) ・ Radar Network: SuperDARN network ・ Optical Imager Network : OMTIs (Canada, Norway, Siberia), Antarctica The ERG ground networks ・ Riometer Network : Canada, Antarctica ・ LF-standard radio waves : Canada, Norway ・ VLF wave Network : Canada, Antarctica Network Ground Monitor of Fields / Waves Ground Monitor of plasma distributions and precipitations

The ERG The ERG Science Center ERG –science center ERG - satellite data ERG - ground data ERG - modeling data All science data are archived with CDF IDL/SPEDAS is a project data analysis software. Collaboration with THEMIS SPEDAS has included the ERG-plugin tools. (210MM magnetometer, SuperDARN radars etc) users L-2/3 data will be opened to the public via ERG-science center.

Conjunction Event Finder Web-based interactive tool to display the satellite orbits as well as the footprints. Easy to find the conjunction between ground observations and satellites. Van Allen Probes THEMIS Cluster THEMIS Van Allen Probes Geotail Cluster Xgsm Ygsm Zgsm Xgsm

Conjunction Event Finder Web-based interactive tool to display the satellite orbits as well as the footprints. Easy to find the conjunction between ground observations and satellites. Van Allen Probes Northern HemisphereSouthern Hemisphere Van Allen Probes

Summary -The ERG project is now going; the satellite will be launched in Data of the ERG ground network observations have been archived with CDF format and opened to the public. The software for the data analysis has been developed with THEMIS team. SPEDAS has included several plug-in tools for ERG data -Conjunction event finder will be helpful for the coordinated observations between satellites and ground observations.

Akebono-VAP collaboration Ayako Matsuoka Akebono Project Manager ISAS/JAXA 10

Akebono (EXOS-D) Launch : Feb Radiation monitor data in 2013 Projection to the magnetic meridional plane


Akebono Data Opened to the Public Available Data Available Data RDM : Radiation monitor RDM : Radiation monitor RDM measures the electron flux in three energy ranges ( , , >2.5 MeV) RDM measures the electron flux in three energy ranges ( , , >2.5 MeV) Only the data of the energy >2.5MeV are open to the public. Only the data of the energy >2.5MeV are open to the public. VLF : Low-frequency plasma waves VLF : Low-frequency plasma waves MCA (multi-channel analyzer) data are open to the public. MCA (multi-channel analyzer) data are open to the public. E×1 & B×1, 16 channels each, <17.8kHz E×1 & B×1, 16 channels each, <17.8kHz PWS : High-frequency plasma waves PWS : High-frequency plasma waves Dynamic spectra are open to the public. Dynamic spectra are open to the public. E×1, 20kHz ~ 5MHz E×1, 20kHz ~ 5MHz

Akebono Data Opened to the Public Summary Plots (From Oct/2012 to July/2014) Summary Plots (From Oct/2012 to July/2014) Digital Data Digital Data Instrument data Instrument data RDM (Plot & DARTS) RDM (Plot & DARTS) VLF Univ.) VLF Univ.) PWS DARTS) PWS DARTS) Orbit DARTS) Orbit DARTS) Daily data Daily data Weekly data Weekly data

Sample of the summary plot PWS VLF E-field VLF B-field RDM