Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates More On Sedimentary Rocks Mr. White 6th Grade Earth Science
Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Warm-Up How do sedimentary rocks form? What are the three types of sedimentary rocks?
Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Sedimentary Rocks Igneous rocks are the most common rocks on Earth, but because most of them exist below the surface you might not have seen too many of them. 75 percent of the rocks exposed at the surface are sedimentary rocks.
Powerpoint Templates Page 4 What are sediments? Sediments are loose materials such as rock fragments, mineral grains, and bits of shell that have been moved by wind, water, ice, or gravity. Sediments come from already-existing rocks that are weathered and eroded.
Powerpoint Templates Page 5 What is weathering and erosion? Weathering is the breaking down of rocks and other materials by chemical, biological, or natural process. Erosion is the process which carries these particles from one place to another via wind, rain, or biological means.
Powerpoint Templates Page 6 already- existing rocks that are weathered and eroded forms when sediments are pressed and cemented together, or when minerals form from solutions
Powerpoint Templates Page 7 Classifying Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are classified by their composition and by the manner in which they formed. The three types of sedimentary rocks are –Clastic –Chemical –Organic
Powerpoint Templates Page 8 already- existing rocks that are weathered and eroded forms when sediments are pressed and cemented together, or when minerals form from solutions ClasticChemical Organic
Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Clastic sedimentary rocks are made from the broken fragments of other rocks. When rock is exposed to air, water, or ice, it breaks down chemically and mechanically. This process, which breaks rocks into smaller pieces, is called weathering. The movement of weathered material is called erosion.
Powerpoint Templates Page 10 Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Where sediments are deposited, layer upon layer builds up. Pressure from the upper layers pushes down on the lower layers. If the sediments are small, they can stick together and form solid rock. This process is called compaction. If sediments are large, like sand and pebbles, pressure alone can’t make then stick together.
Powerpoint Templates Page 11 Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Large sediments have to be cemented together. As water moves through soil and rock, it picks up materials released from minerals during weathering. The resulting solution of water and dissolved materials moves through open spaces between sediments.
Powerpoint Templates Page 12 already- existing rocks that are weathered and eroded forms when sediments are pressed and cemented together, or when minerals form from solutions DetritalChemical Organic Broken fragments of other rocks weathering erosion compaction cementation Examples: Sandstone & conglomerate
Powerpoint Templates Page 13 Wrap It Up Exit Ticket: Name the two processes that help form clastic sedimentary rocks.
Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Next Class We Will: Learn about chemical sedimentary rocks Learn about organic sedimentary rocks Talk about fossils and sedimentary rocks