Presented By: Jennifer Bohnert, OTS Vision in Action Conference January 23, 2015
What is CTS? Affects 10 million people annually Cost: $13 billion per year Conservative vs. surgical Retrieved from:
Which conservative occupational therapy intervention yields the best functional outcomes for the client with carpal tunnel syndrome?
Disagreements on use Hall et. al (2013) - Neutral wrist splint worn full-time Warner et. al. (2005) - Neutral wrist splint worn at night Porrata (2007)- C-TRAC device Retrieved from: Retrieved from:
Stretches Tendon and Nerve gliding ▪ Horng et. al. (2011) Lumbrical Stretches ▪ Baker et. al. (2012) Retrieved from: Retrieved from: from: Baker et. al. (2012)
Splinting, exercises, ultrasound Baysal et al. (2006) Splinting with ultrasound vs. phonophoresis Yildiz et al. (2011) Retrieved from:
Conservative treatment is effective Splinting Fieldwork experience More research needed Retrieved from: Retrieved from:
Contact information: Jennifer Bohnert, OTS Retrieved from:
Baker, N. A., Moehling, K. K., Rubinstein, E. N., Wollstein, R., Gustafson, N. P., & Barat, M. (2012). The comparative effectiveness of combined lumbrical muscle splints and stretches on symptoms and function in carpal tunnel syndrome. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93, doi: /j.apmr Baysal, O., Altay, Z., Ozcan, C., Ertem, K., Yologlu, S., & Kayhan, A. (2006). Comparison of three conservative treatment protocols in carpal tunnel syndrome. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 60, doi: /j x Hall, B., Lee, H. C., Fitzgerald, H., Bryne, B., Barton, A., & Lee, A. H. (2013). Investigating the effectiveness of full-time wrist splinting and education in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67, doi: /ajot Horng, Y., Hsieh, S., Tu, Y., Lin, M., Horng, Y., & Wang, J. (2011). The comparative effectiveness of tendon and nerve gliding exercises in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized trial. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 90, doi: /PHM/0b013e318214eaaf Porrata, H., Porrata, A., & Sosner, J. (2007). New carpal ligament traction device for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome unresponsive to conservative treatment. Journal of Hand Therapy, 20, doi: /j.jht Warner, R., Franzblau, A., & Gell, N. (2005). Randomized controlled trial of nocturnal splinting for active workers with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Archives Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86, 1-7. doi: /j.apmr Yildiz, N., Atalay, N. S., Gungen, G. O., Sanal, E., Akkaya, N., & Topuz, O. (2011). Comparison of ultrasound and ketoprofen phonophoresis in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 24, doi /BMR