Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Second Edition Chapter 18: Nonparametric Tests with Ordinal Data iClicker Questions Copyright © 2012 by Worth Publishers Susan A. Nolan and Thomas E. Heinzen
Chapter 18 1.All of the following are nonparametric hypothesis tests EXCEPT: a) The Wilcoxon sign-rank test. b) The Mann-Whitney U test. c) The MANOVA. d) The Kruskal-Wallis H test.
Chapter 18 (Answer) 1.All of the following are nonparametric hypothesis tests EXCEPT: a) The Wilcoxon sign-rank test. b) The Mann-Whitney U test. c) The MANOVA. d) The Kruskal-Wallis H test.
Chapter 18 2.Ordinal data is the same as: a) categorical data. b) rank ordered data. c) interval scale data. d) ratio scale data.
Chapter 18 (Answer) 2.Ordinal data is the same as: a) categorical data. b) rank ordered data. c) interval scale data. d) ratio scale data.
Chapter 18 3.Which of these tests is the nonparametric version of Pearson r correlation coefficient? a) The Spearman rank-order b) The Wilcoxon sign-rank test c) The Mann-Whitney U test d) The Kruskal-Wallis H test
Chapter 18 (Answer) 3.Which of these tests is the nonparametric version of Pearson r correlation coefficient? a) The Spearman rank-order b) The Wilcoxon sign-rank test c) The Mann-Whitney U test d) The Kreskas-Wallis H test
Chapter Based on the rankings of pride scores from the table below, what statistical test is used to test this data? a) Pearson correlation b) Spearman correlation c) phi coefficient d) standardized coefficient
Chapter 18 (Answer) 4. Based on the rankings of pride scores from the table below, what statistical test is used to test this data? a) Pearson correlation b) Spearman correlation c) phi coefficient d) standardized coefficient
Chapter What nonparametric test is equivalent to a paired samples t test? a) Kruskal-Wallis H test b) Mann-Whitney U test c) Wilcoxon-signed rank test d) Spearman correlation
Chapter 18 (Answer) 5. What nonparametric test is equivalent to a paired samples t test? a) Kruskal-Wallis H test b) Mann-Whitney U test c) Wilcoxon-signed rank test d) Spearman correlation
Chapter The test statistic used to symbolize the Wilcoxon-signed rank test is: a) T (capitalized). b) t (lower case). c) H. d) U.
Chapter 18 (Answer) 6. The test statistic used to symbolize the Wilcoxon-signed rank test is: a) T (capitalized). b) t (lower case). c) H. d) U.
Chapter What nonparametric test is equivalent to an independent samples t test? a) Kruskal-Wallis H test b) Mann-Whitney U test c) Wilcoxon-signed rank test d) Spearman correlation
Chapter 18 (Answer) 7. What nonparametric test is equivalent to an independent samples t test? a) Kruskal-Wallis H test b) Mann-Whitney U test c) Wilcoxon-signed rank test d) Spearman correlation
Chapter Three assumptions used when conducting a Mann- Whitney U test include all of the following EXCEPT: a) The data must be ordinal. b) The groups of data are paired. c) Random selection should be used. d) Ideally, no ranks are tied.
Chapter 18 (Answer) 8. Three assumptions used when conducting a Mann- Whitney U test include all of the following EXCEPT: a) The data must be ordinal. b) The groups of data are paired. c) Random selection should be used. d) Ideally, no ranks are tied.
Chapter What nonparametric test is equivalent to a one-way between-groups ANOVA? a) Kruskal-Wallis H test b) Mann-Whitney U test c) Wilcoxon-signed rank test d) Spearman correlation
Chapter 18 (Answer) 9. What nonparametric test is equivalent to a one-way between-groups ANOVA? a) Kruskal-Wallis H test b) Mann-Whitney U test c) Wilcoxon-signed rank test d) Spearman correlation
Chapter A statistical process in which the original sample data are used to represent the entire population, and we repeatedly take samples from the original sample to form a confidence interval is called: a) multitasking. b) regression to the mean. c) bootstrapping. d) cheating.
Chapter 18 (Answer) 10. A statistical process in which the original sample data are used to represent the entire population, and we repeatedly take samples from the original sample to form a confidence interval is called: a) multitasking. b) regression to the mean. c) bootstrapping. d) cheating.