Nanotechnology STEM Proposal Report Mo Bakr Tri County RVTHS Franklin, MA c Oct. 20, 2010
Nanotechnology STEM Proposal Outline The goal is to develop an introductory course on Nanotechnology. This course will combine theoretical principles with hand on exploration. The audience of this course are High School students studying Engineering or Science The deliverables will be a set of 12 modules. Each module will deal with a specific Nanotechnology topic, and will combine the presentation of theory with hand-on exploration activities and projects. The project will be developed in partnership with and with the guidance of the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center (Natick Labs.) The contact at the lab is Donna Bulger.
Nanotechnology Modules Overview of the principles of Nanotechnology Why size matters and the power of ten Nano Diffusion and Gelatin diffusion activity Atomic Force Microscopes Nano filters for Clean Water Solar Energy Lithography and Electrodeposition Magnetic Data Storage Ferrofluid Fabricating Nano-Sized Objects Ozone,UV & Nanoparticles – Sunscreen Activities Nanomedicine & Applications
Additional Activities Collaboration w/ NSRDEC Nanotechnologist toward: Examining careers opportunities in nanotechnology Visiting the Lab to meet Nanotechnologists Student designing their own research project to explore Nanotechnology Capitalize on experience with NSRDEC’s High Performance Fiber Facility Experience exploring 3-D modeling of nanofibers Potential Partnership with other school in the areas Utilizing other web based resources such as: U Mass Nanotechnology Center and on line materials NDEP’s LABTV Webisodes including 2 NSRDEC’s NanoKits from Museum of Science – Minnesota Materials World Module – Nanotechnology Program
Where Do We Stand Materials are complete Course planned to be delivered in 2 nd part of this academic year (February - June 2011) Some of the modules will be delivered to the Sophomores (Grade 10)in the Engineering program Some of the modules will be offered to the Seniors (Grade 12) in the Engineering program