New Primary Computing Curriculum 2014 Aims of the session: The Computing Curriculum – making sense of the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’. To develop a greater understanding of computational thinking To consider what ‘Outstanding Computing’ looks like.
Agenda CPD opportunities: Quick Start Computing, Barefoot project and CAS Master Teacher sessions. Computational thinking: concepts and approaches Pupil progression
Computing at school website Are you registered? New to computing? Primary Guidance Document Suggestions of places to start. Assessment guidance Local support and courses Computing at school primary
CAS QuickStart Computing Project Jointly funded by the DfE and Microsoft Free Computing CPD course designed for a volunteer teacher to run for their colleagues. Primary –written by Miles Berry The CPD toolkit will cover: Getting started with the new curriculum A road map for managing the transition to Computing from ICT Teaching Computing in the classroom How to create innovative classroom teaching resources Assessment and progression Essential Computing subject knowledge for primary teachers (which may also be useful for secondary teachers) Freely available for download but hard copies will be available to collect from ‘designated school’.
CAS Barefoot Computing Support for primary teachers with the computer science elements of the computing curriculum Exemplar teaching materials Teach yourself notes Barefoot workshops
Scratch Junior Released in July 2014 Coding for Key Stage 1] Create interactive stories and games Available as a free ipad app. Expecting to release an Android version later in 2014 and a web-based version in 2015 Dedicated website with teaching resources
KS 1 ScratchJr tinkering: exploring Scratch Jr Computing: Create programs Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs Pupil Objective: I can explore Scratchjr for myself
Computational Thinking Concepts – logical thinking,
Try it: Can you make the cat move? Can you make the cat say something? Can you make the cat change size? Can you make your program play a sound? Can you add another character to your program?
Computational Thinking Concepts – decomposition Breaking down a problem into smaller parts to make it easier to solve.
What makes an Outstanding Computing lesson?
Computational Thinking “A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world”. Algorithms – step by step instructions to get something done or a set of rules describing how something works. Decomposition – to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller parts and dealing with each part separately Patterns – repetition in designs or blocks of code eg. spellings ‘ing’ Abstraction – focusing on the important structure of a system or problem but not worrying about the detail eg. The Tube map.
Progression Pathways Purpose of the Progression Pathways Assessment Framework is to support teachers in assessing their pupils’ progress in computing. Been created based on the 2014 NC POS for computing. Alligned to the CAS Primary Guidance Document. Progression through each strand is of computing is broken down into rows. Each row is colour coded, like karate belts, to help the teacher to assess whether students are showing competence at different levels Focus is progression through and across the strands of computing. Primary teachers focus on the badge statements from the Pink to Blue row. Just one example of a non-statutory Assessment Framework.
BBC resources understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
DB Primary
Reflection What next? What are you going to do when you get back? How useful? Next meeting?