INTRODUCTION Pervasive computing (also called ubiquitous computing) is the growing trend towards embedding microprocessors. The words pervasive and ubiquitous mean "existing everywhere". The aim of Pervasive Computing is for computing available wherever it's needed. It spreads intelligence and connnectivity to more or less everything. Ships, Aircrafts, Cars, Bridges, Tunnels, Machines, Refrigerators, Door handles, Lighting fixtures, Shoes, Hats, Tools, Homes and even things like our coffee mugs and even the human body embedded with chips Mobile Internet access, Third-generation wireless communication, Handheld devices, and Bluetooth have made pervasive computing a reality.
PERVASIVE COMPUTING Pervasive computing means., Anytime/anywhere: 7 days x 24 hours, global, ubiquitous access. Any device: PC, Palm/PDA, cell phone, and so forth. Any network: Access, Notification, Data Synchronization, Queued transactions, Wireless optimization, Security, content adaptation/reformat, development tools, device and user management. Any data: E-mail, Personal Information Manager (PIM); Inter-Intranet; Public Services. Anywhere Anytime/ Any Device Any Network Any Data
Contd… Ubiquitous computing Calm technology Things that think Other terms for pervasive computing: Ubiquitous computing Calm technology Things that think Everyware Pervasive internet Ambient intelligence Proactive computing Augmented reality Characteristics of pervasive computing: Physical integration: integration between computing nodes and the physical world, e.g., a whiteboard that records what’s on. Instantaneous Interoperation: devices interoperate spontaneously in changing environments, e.g., a device changes its partners as it moves or as the context changes.
CLASSIFICATION INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS PERSONAL SYSTEMS Attention, Complexity, Privacy, Security, And Extensibility.
HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTİON ARTİFİCİAL INTELLİGENCE RELATED FIELDS SENSOR NETWORKS It consists of computing devices equipped with sensors, a wireless radio, a processor, and a power source. Physical environment (e.g., environmental pollutions, wildlife). HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTİON It is the study of interaction between people (users) and computers. Basic goal-more user-friendly and receptive to the user's needs. Long term goal-to design systems that minimize the barrier between the human's cognitive model. ARTİFİCİAL INTELLİGENCE “Artificial Intelligence is a branch of science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion”. AI is generally associated with Computer Science, but it has many important links with other fields such a Maths, Psychology, Cognition, Biology and Philosophy, among many others.
Examples of Pervasive Computing Technologies Advanced high bandwidth networking services Networked devices, sensors, instruments, interfaces Information and computational resources Telecommunication including global wireless voice and data broadband networks Human-machine interaction technologies Software "agent" technologies
THEMES OF PERVASIVE COMPUTING Automated capture Context-aware Ubiquitous services Natural/Implicit interfaces
AUTOMATED CAPTURE Motivation Examples Record-taking is hard Multiple streams of information need to be captured Machines are better at some of these things than we are Examples Meeting capture (scribe at Xerox PARC), Mark Weiser Classroom 2000 LIVE BOARDS
CONTEXT-AWARE COMPUTING Computing services sense aspects of environment (location, user emotion,…) and tailor provided services Walk into conference room, my email is projected on a big screen there EXAMPLES Active Badge & PARCTab Shopping assistant Cyberguide Perception system for recognizing user moods from their facial expressions House where position is sensed and temperature adjusted automatically Augmented Reality
TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS Information access Text retrieval Multimedia document retrieval Automatic indexing Pervasive devices Palm top computers Smart badges Electronic books User sensitive devices Mobility and networking Device discovery Wireless protocols Security Voice and video over IP Perceptive interfaces Biometric person ID Speech recognition Gesture recognition
USES OF PERVASIVE COMPUTING Business Uses Healthcare Vending MicroPayments Military Personal Uses Personal Information Flight Schedules Location Home interaction
REAL TIME APPLICATIONS SMART CLOTHING Conductive textiles and inks print electrically active patterns directly onto fabrics. Sensors based on fabric monitor pulse, blood pressure, body temperature. Invisible collar microphones Game console on the sleeve?
REAL TIME APPLICATIONS INTERACTIVE FLEX POSTERS Flexes that communicate with the person automatically in a building and then provide him the information about his office and the venue of his meeting that his held.
REAL TIME APPLICATIONS PILL CAM Miniature camera Diagnostic device It can be swallowed Once swallowed it gives the data about the functioning of the vital organs in our body .
ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS IBM ‘s “smarter planet “ The project is about building a smarter planet by including everyday case scenarios like parking the car in a place by communicating with another car.
FUTURE ASPECTS Cell phones will ask the landline phone what its telephone number is and will forward our calls to it. Wrist watches will monitor our sugar Cars will use the Internet to find an open parking space or the nearest vegetarian restaurant inform the owner of the needed service or automatically install the necessary (software) repair Digi-tickers or implanted heart monitors in heart patients will talk wirelssly to computers, which will be trained to keep an eye open for abnormalities.
CONCLUSION Pervasive computing in an increasingly networked world continues to affect more and more of the world's population. Although this is a global phenomenon, regional and national social and cultural factors will directly influence the technologies and promise of pervasive computing. Pervasive Computing - the next era of computer science. is intended to be a information and news website. It will cover various new developments happening in pervasive computing area - basically mobile computing, sensors, networking, security/privacy, ubiquitous access to information, and related fields. Let’s not throw the first stone, but make the first step!