National Malaria Program Scale-up for Advocacy Based on Impact 23 January 2006
MACEPA Goal and Scope Goal To develop the evidence base for the health and economic benefit of national malaria prevention and control scale up efforts as a tool for advocating for national scale up for impact as the standard of practice for malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa. Scope Support national policies, plans and programs Target resources for rapid program scale up and evaluate resulting impact Foster regional replication
Scale-up for Impact Program planning for health and economic impact Aligning partner inputs within national plan and with common performance measures Partnering with RBM Secretariat, WB, GFATM, PMI at the global level to develop common program support approach Accelerating scale up process with flexible financing and technical support
Performance Monitoring and Impact Evaluation MACEPA team has developed with MERG national performance monitoring and impact evaluation framework for national plan Emphasis on assessment of health and economic impact of rapid scale up Includes data for decision making and performance improvement feedback loops
Telling the Story
MACEPA’s Advocacy Agenda Malaria’s continuing international profile requires success stories at national level Sustained and increased investment contingent on demonstrated impact on national scale Multi-country Scale Up For Impact success is key Results of scale up efforts must be well documented in both human and scientific terms African leaders must be prominent in telling the success story RBM must build a partnership around success stories
MACEPA Advocacy Plan Objectives 1.Political leaders, donors, and partner organizations in Zambia commit to the national malaria strategic plan’s goal—rapid scale up for impact. 2.African governments adopt scaling up for impact as the standard of practice for malaria control in their countries. 3.Donors and key policymakers in developed countries adopt scaling up for impact as the standard for malaria control in Africa.
Opportunities for Partnership Participate in the development of a consensus global advocacy framework Align MACEPA inputs within near-term partnership implementation plan with targets, timelines and performance measures Identify strategic points of intersection to jump start implementation of joint work plan