Fiction Writing Essential Question: What components do we include when writing fiction?
Components of Fiction: Setting Character Conflict Resolution
What is Setting? The setting of a story is where the story takes place. Setting includes: –Geographical location (Wyoming, New Jersey) –Time Period (WW I, 1865, 2006) –Economic Characteristics (wealthy suburbs, depression) –Specifics (building, bedroom, log cabin, bus)
Snow White Setting: Palace – huge, tall towers, old, dark Forest – deep green, endless Cottage – wood, small, cozy
How do we invent Characters? Keep the main character true to himself/herself: consider, at every step, would this person act this way? Decide what your character wants and decide how he/she is having trouble getting it. Supporting characters will help main character but won’t take attention away from main character. Review class notes from Building a Character PowerPoint for more information.
Snow White Characters Snow White Evil Queen “Step Mom” “Witch” Seven Dwarfs Prince Charming
How to create Conflict Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot - or structure - to a story. Types of Conflict include: –Person vs. Person –Person vs. Self –Person vs. Nature –Person vs. Society –Person vs. Fate
Snow White Conflict Person Vs. Person: Snow White vs. Evil Queen Person vs. Fate: Snow White Vs. Divorce, Death Person vs. Nature: Snow White vs. Apple “Poison” Others: Person vs. Self Person vs. Society
Now we need Resolution! WHEN you include conflict in a story, you must resolve it! Resolution is when a character is faced with a conflict, and is now taking a course of action to solve the problem. –Remember: The resolution of a story or fairy tale is working toward the story’s conclusion!
Snow White Resolution Snow White runs away. Snow White leaves old life behind and makes a new start. Prince Charming breaks the spell with the help of the Dwarfs.
Other important parts of fiction: Dialogue Points of View Illustrations A Good Title
Dialogue Dialogue is the conversation between characters in a story. Begin a new paragraph each time a character starts to speak. Paste Nancie Atwell’s Punctuating Conversation into your notebooks.
Point of View Questions to ask yourself: –Who is telling the story? –First Person vs. Third Person Point of View
Illustrations Your Fairy Tale should have illustrations that help portray the action or events in your story. Each illustration should be meaningful to the story. –Illustrations should be colored neatly and outlined.
Good Titles Fits the whole piece of writing Attracts a reader’s attention Gives a hint or taste of the topic or theme Is memorable Isn’t a label or description Generally does not come first: the author looks back on finished writing for a sense of focus and SO WHAT? that emerged during drafting and editing