Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Begin to Draft Objective: To produce a draft from beginning to end using the plot outlined in the story map(s). Focusing Question: How can your story map help you draft a story that makes sense? Strategy: To move from a story map to a scene by scene draft by including the character’s actions, words and thoughts.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Mini Lesson Story maps are a guide to use while drafting. It is important to follow the plans for each scene in the story. The story should include craft strategies explored in Step 3. If you change your story, please change your story map.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary Writer’s Work Time 1.Review your story maps and your pitch. 2.Open a word document and save it. 3.Start drafting your story from beginning to end, but don’t write your final scene. 4.Keep in mind what you learned about: –Point of view –Showing not telling –Using descriptive language. 5.When you are finished writing, resave your document and submit it in the activity called Submit Your Draft Story in Step 4 of the Online Classroom.
Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary What was most successful about your writing? What are ways to get “unstuck” when you are writing?