w w w. a m a b l e. i n Think of a recent conflict you had with somebody. Take two similar objects (say sticks) – represent yourself with one stick and one for the ‘other’ person in the conflict. Now play out the conflict speaking as if you are speaking for each for the two persons. Use the style of speaking of each person in that situation. If possible use the same dialogues. Do not speak aloud – just act out the conflict in your mind. Do the whole sequence. Starter
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Why do we need language? To think!
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Physical ~ Communicate need Mental ~ My thinking ~ Emotional ~ Express Why Language I think hence I speak
w w w. a m a b l e. i n What is communication?
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Thought v/s result self v/s others learning v/s task Expression ^/s Communication Expression v/s communication
w w w. a m a b l e. i n How Language All Together Write Listen Read Speak Output Input Written Verbal
w w w. a m a b l e. i n How do we learn to express?
w w w. a m a b l e. i n How do we learn to express? You have 5 min to write a small poetry or prose on This Room
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Learning ^ experiencing Senses
w w w. a m a b l e. i n How Language All Together Write Listen Read Speak Output Input Written Verbal Experience Me
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Speaking, Listening etc Make pairs. One partner closes eyes and becomes blind. Other person is the guide. The objective is for the blind person (with help from guide) to go to a specified point and feel a specified object. Once you reach, in the return journey switch roles. Before you start discuss 1) what is the role of the guide 2) what is the role of the blind 3) Also both try to be aware of your self talk
w w w. a m a b l e. i n ~ Read a book with ME in it Why don’t children read?
w w w. a m a b l e. i n The original intentions when the UN was founded included encouraging disarmament, preventing war, and ensuring peace. The UN, after approval by the Security Council, can send peacekeepers to regions where armed conflict has recently ceased or paused to enforce the terms of peace agreements and to discourage combatants from resuming hostilities. Since the UN does not have its own military, peacekeeping forces are voluntarily provided by member states of the UN. The forces, also called the "Blue Helmets", enforce UN accords. The peacekeeping force as a whole received the Nobel Peace Prize in The pursuit of human rights was another central reason for creating the UN. World War II atrocities and genocide led to a consensus that the UN must work to prevent any similar tragedies in the future. An early objective was creating a legal framework to consider and act on complaints about human rights violations. The UN Charter obliges all member nations to promote "universal respect for, and observance of, human rights" and to take "joint and separate action" to that end. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, though not legally binding, was adopted by the General Assembly in 1948 as a common standard of achievement for all. The Assembly regularly takes up human rights issues. Lets make reading interactive – Role of UN
w w w. a m a b l e. i n ~ All learning is a story Stories – using verbal linguistic to learn anything
g e k i n d s o c m. i e What is Story ?
g e k i n d s o c m. i e Story - Character Cat is sleeping on the mat
g e k i n d s o c m. i e Story - Event Cat is sleeping on the DOG’s mat
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Stories ~ Story telling – imagination - Grandma ~ Story Presenting – interest - TV ~ Story Doing - involvement - We
g e k i n d s o c m. i e Let us DO a story There was a cat. His name was …………… She used to stay in a toy box So there was a cat whose name was xxxxx and who used to live in a TOY BOX. If you were that cat what all you would like to do? Think? Wish? One day somebody came visiting. Who came visiting ……… a toy train. So A TOY TRAIN came to visit xxxx who used to live in a toy box. xxxx the cat, when she saw toy train, she got very excited and she started to make strange sounds – what kind of sounds ………. This made the toy train feel …….. (very funny) Toy train went around in the town and asked people's opinion about the various sounds cat make - happy, sad, angry and so on. So 2 out of 10 liked the angry sound while 3 liked happy sound At the end toy train gave one card to each person and asked them to draw "cat and its sound“.
g e k i n d s o c m. i e Ingredients of Story “Doing” Involving Not Predictable Thinking Creative Learning styles - Connect with all kinds of children MI based – Activates all the 8 intelligences.
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Using Stories ~ Story telling – who tells? - Experience ~ Story Presenting – how tell? - Mediums ~ Story Doing – which intelligence? - Mix
w w w. a m a b l e. i n ~ Child has spilled milk! So how we teach using language?
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Approach children through: 1.Their Intelligence 2.Their Interest 3.Their Emotions 4.Their Thinking 5.Their Understanding
w w w. a m a b l e. i n Language is to learn, to live and to liven; Language is a need … just fulfill it.