COMMUNITY E-LEARNING TOGETHER Penny Vincent & Jane Goetzee Staffordshire University Creative Communities Unit
What are we doing? Making a tool to bring students of community work together with people from the local community to learn from each other Using a digital storytelling process and online discussion to involve people Hellawell et al 2007; Pip Hardy 2007; Branfield, Beresford and Levin 2007; Clarke and Hesse 2006
Funding Initial funding to set up the pilot from Staffordshire University Academic Development Institute Technology Supported Learning Fund Continuation funding to expand the digital storytelling aspect and create a toolkit to share with others, from the government’s Transformation Fund for informal adult learning, as part of the University’s Talking Shop project.
Talk:Share wiki
! What are the challenges? Finding the best web 2.0 tool to use for the trial. Accessibility Security Ethics and bias Real or fake? Enabling discussion Promoting learning
Accessibility To make the site as inclusive as possible, for use by a wide range of people with differing communication styles. Because ‘community’ means variety and variety must be present to be truly representative Because an EX-clusive tool is no tool at all. Ref NIACE
Security University file respository for safe storage Consent for use of stories Password access only
Interview questions Have you taken part in the community? How did you start to take part? Who asked you? Was this the first time someone asked you to take part? What did you do? Who else took part with you? How did it feel to take part? Do you want to take part again, in the future?
John’s story Here is a clip from John’s story
Evaluation Is it accessible? Are the stories helpful? Can you take part in discussions? Do the stories and discussion promote learning? Review of the process and tools
Would you like to take part? Advisory group Try out the tool Share your expertise Share your story
Good websites - adds a link which gives options about format and styles – a free tool to translate any website into many languages. - gives advice and support to staff re technology and disability learning and skills improvement service website of the programme that facilitates the telling and the hearing of some of the unwritten and unspoken stories of ordinary people so that those who devise and implement strategy in health and social care, as well as the professionals and clinicians directly involved in care, may carry out their duties in a more informed and compassionate manner an international not-for-profit community arts organization rooted in the craft of personal storytelling. We assist youth and adults around the world in using media tools to share, record, and value stories from their lives, in ways that promote artistic expression, health and well being, and justice.
References Hellawell and Priestley (2007 ) Produced in Partnership with Service Users A Consultation Document University of Bradford Division of Rehabilitation Pip Hardy (May 2007) an investigation into the application of the Patient Voices digital stories in healthcare education University of Ulster Faculty of Social Science School of Education Branfield, Beresford and Levin (2007) Common Aims: a strategy to support service user involvement in social work education SCIE Clarke and Hesse (2006) Online resources in the classroom NIACE e- guidelines 1 NIACE