David Bloniarz, USDA Forest Service Christopher Rooney, Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst Tree Inventories: Strategies for Effective Management New approaches and technologies for Tree Wardens, Arborists and Urban & Community Foresters
An Outline of Today’s Presentation Inventory Background Reporting your Findings Windshield Surveys Computerized Options
Tree City USA Bulletin Tree City USA Bulletin National Arbor Day Foundation publication National Arbor Day Foundation publication Valuable summary and recap of key concepts Valuable summary and recap of key concepts
Specific Problem Inventory Related to only one problem Related to only one problem Limited to one problem rather than broad management Limited to one problem rather than broad management Asian Longhorned Beetle Asian Longhorned Beetle Dutch Elm Disease Dutch Elm Disease
Park and Natural Areas Manicured Parks - Trees are individually inventoried Manicured Parks - Trees are individually inventoried Natural Areas - Sampling, typing or grouping Natural Areas - Sampling, typing or grouping Utilization of GIS, GPS and remote sensing Utilization of GIS, GPS and remote sensing
Cover Type Survey Utilizes aerial photos Utilizes aerial photos Quantifies canopy extend Quantifies canopy extend Monitoring of trends, patterns and changes Monitoring of trends, patterns and changes Useful for planning new construction - protection zones; energy savings potential Useful for planning new construction - protection zones; energy savings potential
Sampling Method Inexpensive and quick Inexpensive and quick Requires random sample Requires random sample Assists in developing whole and accurate profiles of the population Assists in developing whole and accurate profiles of the population May require stratification or grouping of land-use types May require stratification or grouping of land-use types
Windshield Survey Gathers more info than the Specific Problem Inventory Gathers more info than the Specific Problem Inventory Relatively inexpensive and quick to complete Relatively inexpensive and quick to complete Can be ongoing Can be ongoing Less precise than individual inspection Less precise than individual inspection Ideal for inspection following storm events Ideal for inspection following storm events
Complete Inventory - Periodic All trees are inventoried All trees are inventoried Location is recorded by address, GPS or GIS Location is recorded by address, GPS or GIS Detailed accounting of all trees Detailed accounting of all trees Time consuming and more costly Time consuming and more costly Most Accurate Most Accurate
Complete Inventory - Continuous All trees are inventoried All trees are inventoried Computer based, often linked to GIS and Computer based, often linked to GIS and Continuously maintained by updating Continuously maintained by updating Filed work orders related to inventory database Filed work orders related to inventory database Most expensive, but most effective management tool Most expensive, but most effective management tool
What data to collect?
Reports: Telling the Story
Reports: Information Transfer
Reports & Data Analysis
Reports: Telling the Story
Reports: Species Distribution
Species Distribution
Reports: Planting Location
Accurate & Simple Reporting
Education and Advocacy
Example: Canopy Cover
Web Sharing of Inventory Data
Web Accessible Inventory Data
Windshield Surveys By: Christopher Rooney For: Massachusetts Tree Wardens and Foresters association January 22, 2003
Windshield Surveying Driving Roads (faster than walking) Driving Roads (faster than walking) Ideally used when locating or identifying a few items ex: (insects and disease problems, drought stress) Ideally used when locating or identifying a few items ex: (insects and disease problems, drought stress) Sometimes used to update traditional inventory methods (windshield every year, traditional every fifth year) Sometimes used to update traditional inventory methods (windshield every year, traditional every fifth year) Can be used when sampling only a certain percentage of area 5%-10% Can be used when sampling only a certain percentage of area 5%-10% Can be high or low tech (GPS or Pen and Pad) Can be high or low tech (GPS or Pen and Pad)
Who uses this method? Many Tree Wardens and City Foresters Many Tree Wardens and City Foresters currently use this method example: example: (City of Cincinnati Foresters used a volunteer's convertible to complete one) (City of Cincinnati Foresters used a volunteer's convertible to complete one)
Who uses this method? ( con’t ) Utility Arborists Utility Arborists ( looking at clearance distances ) ( looking at clearance distances )
Can a windshield survey be used for identifying hazardous conditions in trees? It is recommended to inspect trees yearly for hazardous conditions: Why? It is recommended to inspect trees yearly for hazardous conditions: Why? 1. Conditions constantly 1. Conditions constantly change change 2. To help prioritize work 2. To help prioritize work 3. To reduce the 3. To reduce the community’s liability community’s liability With current financial woes municipalities need cost effective methods With current financial woes municipalities need cost effective methods
Case study: South Kingstown, RI Part time tree warden 148 miles of town maintained roads and right of ways Estimated 15,000 trees under tree warden’s control Annual tree budget of $42,000 * includes salary of tree warden
Town’s Options To Inspect Trees No action (lawsuits) CT lawsuit CT lawsuit Thorough inspection Great but: Great but: Not cost effective $ Not cost effective $ Windshield survey: the option chosen the option chosen will hopefully save time and money will hopefully save time and money
How a windshield survey is conducted: our case study For Public and your Safety For Public and your Safety Use Hazard lights Use Hazard lights Reflective triangle Reflective triangle on tailgate on tailgate Every town road Every town road Conduct when leaves are off trees to locate conditions easier Conduct when leaves are off trees to locate conditions easier Driving Up and Down each road Driving Up and Down each road Depends upon density Depends upon density
What are we looking for? Weak Forks Weak Forks Cavities Cavities Deadwood Deadwood Other conditions: Cracks, Dieback, Other conditions: Cracks, Dieback,
12 Point Hazard Rating System 1-3 Points for Target 1-3 Points for Target 3 Points for House or 3 Phase 3 Points for House or 3 Phase 1 Point for rural fence 1-4 Points for Size of Defect 1-4 Points for Size of Defect Small deadwood 1 Small deadwood 1 Leader or tree 4 Leader or tree Points Probability of Failure 1-3 Points Probability of Failure 3 Points for large amount of decay 3 Points for large amount of decay 1 Point for minor 1 Point for minor 0-2 Points For Tree Type 0-2 Points For Tree Type 0 Points for White Oak 0 Points for White Oak 2 Points for Silver Maple 2 Points for Silver Maple Use the 12 Pt system to identify conditions and Prevent Sights like this
Example Target: High School Target: High School Parking Lot: 3 Points Parking Lot: 3 Points Defective Part: Defective Part: Leaders 4 Points Leaders 4 Points Probability of Failure: Probability of Failure: Extensive decay Extensive decay 3 Points 3 Points Tree Type: Tree Type: Norway Maple 1 Point Norway Maple 1 Point Add up points Add up points Total =11 Points Total =11 Points
Once hazardous condition is found, what next? Record the accurate location Record the accurate location Could be: Could be: 1) House Number 2) Pole Number 3) GPS Points To make accurate maps To make accurate maps n Record the target Wires, road, school Wires, road, school
End results List of hazardous conditions located from worst to mildest cases List of hazardous conditions located from worst to mildest cases Start Working on the 12, 11, 10 scored Conditions FIRST! Start Working on the 12, 11, 10 scored Conditions FIRST! Target ID can help create partnerships Target ID can help create partnerships You now have a systematic hazardous tree identification program You now have a systematic hazardous tree identification program
Things to Consider How well does it locate these hazards? How well does it locate these hazards? Obvious ones-vs.-Hidden ones Obvious ones-vs.-Hidden ones Our study will be complete this summer Our study will be complete this summer When in doubt, get out of the truck and take a closer look When in doubt, get out of the truck and take a closer look
Streamlining Data Collection & Management Computer databases Computer databases Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) Geographic information Systems (GIS) Geographic information Systems (GIS) Global Positioning Systems (GIS) Global Positioning Systems (GIS)
MCTI: An Integrated System for Tree Inventories
MCTI - Flexible Implementation Paper field data collection Paper field data collection Computerized desktop database Computerized desktop database PDA field data collection and sync to database PDA field data collection and sync to database
Getting Started Method 1 (paper) Download Inventory Manual Download Inventory Manual Print Paper Tally Sheets Print Paper Tally Sheets
Paper Tally Sheet
Getting Started Method 2 (Computer) Requires a PC (Windows 95 or newer) Requires a PC (Windows 95 or newer) Install Software (Free download via the Internet Install Software (Free download via the Internet Data entry at your desktop Data entry at your desktop
Customizing MCTI List of individual surveyors List of individual surveyors Choose selected Tree Species for your town Choose selected Tree Species for your town Enter community ID (each town has a unique identifier number) Enter community ID (each town has a unique identifier number)
Data Entry Using a Personal Computer
Data Archiving Using a Personal Computer
Getting Started Method 3 (Computer and PDA) Requires a PC (Windows 95 or newer) Requires a PC (Windows 95 or newer) Requires PDA (i.e., Palm Pilot $100-$450) Requires PDA (i.e., Palm Pilot $100-$450) Install Software (Free, via Internet download at the following internet site - Install Software (Free, via Internet download at the following internet site -
Getting Started Method 3 (Computer and PDA) PDA increases efficiency PDA increases efficiency Reduction in data entry errors Reduction in data entry errors Simple and fast method for data collection Simple and fast method for data collection
PDA Log On Screen
PDA Data Entry Screen
MCTI - Phase II Development currently underway Operational planning & implementation Customer database, work order generation and tracking, and inventory updates PDA, paper and barcode systems Field testing in Worcester, MA, Burlington, VT and Springfield, MA Release in August 2003
Web Distribution
Other Inventory Resources Pendragon Forms Data Collection Templates Cornell Coop Extension Access ® Database Sate of Vermont Access ® Database Commercial Software Systems
Pendragon Forms Templates Developed freeware inventory templates for use with Palm ® Pilot handheld PDA’s Can be used for variety of inventory applications - street, park, golf course, etc. Tree Condition & Management Needs Hazard Assessment Based on Pendragon Forms ® interface
Pendragon Forms Templates Utilized for ease of programming and customization
Pendragon Forms Templates Inventory, Hazard Assessment, Damage Assessment and Tree Valuation
Pendragon Forms Templates
Tree Inventories: in the palm of your hand
For More Information Contact: Dave Bloniarz, USDA Forest Service Contact: Dave Bloniarz, USDA Forest Service Web site Web site
Any questions?