Ch 1.9 notes Coordinate Plane: two number lines that intersect at right angles. X-axis: the horizontal axis. Y-axis: the vertical axis. Origin: where the axis intersect. Quadrants: the four sections that make up the coordinate plane. Ordered pair: identifies the location of a point. Coordinates: numbers in an ordered pair. X-axis y-axis originQuad. I Quad. II Quad. IIIQuad. IV Ordered pair: (9, 3) X-coordinateY-coordinate
Chapter 1.9 Graphing data on the coordinate plane Quick review: -How do I plot an ordered pair on a graph? -How do I indentify coordinates on a graph? ( 5, -1) (-4, 5)
Chapter 1.9 Graphing data on the coordinate plane (5, -3) (-4, 2) (0, 8)
Scatter plot: is a graph that relates two groups of data (typically seen in quad. I) Positive correlation: both sets of data increase together. Negative correlation: one set of data decreases as the other set increases. No correlation: data sets have no relation. Trend line: “best fit” line that show a correlation more clearly.
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