tren 2p94 – human dominated ecosystems local landscape report overview David T. Brown Department of Tourism and Environment, Brock University 500 Glenridge Avenue, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1
2 assignments and evaluation □Local Landscape Abstract (due 19 September)10 % □Field Presentation (during field trip)15 % □Local Landscape Report (due 28 October)30 % □Final examination (in class on 04 Nov)25 % □Participation and attendance (mandatory)10 % □Peer evaluation 10 % □Total 100 %
3 local landscape field presentation □Niagara has a long settlement history □through observation and research, we can see the influence of human activity on local landscapes throughout Niagara □your major task this term: examine the effects of human activity on a significant local landscape of your own choosing over time
4 local landscape field presentation □Step 1: choose a local landscape on or close to our planned field trip trails □Step 2: prepare an abstract about the landscape describing why it is significant and worthy of further study □Step 3: do a 15 minute onsite presentation in the field to introduce your landscape to your peers
5 local landscape report □Step 4: prepare a written local landscape report : □describing the current state of the landscape □documenting changes to the landscape made by humans over time □relating the changes you see to principles of sustainability (TREN 1F90 review!) and principles of landscape ecology (from assigned course readings) □examining broader ecosystem effects
6 local landscape report □Step 4: prepare a written local landscape report using: □reference materials from the Brock library and elsewhere (independent research) □conventional maps and aerial imagery □digital mapping resources (Niagara Navigator, Google Maps, Google Earth, NPCA Natural Areas inventory, historical maps online) □digital photos taken in the field
7 local landscape report You will be provided with a report template to organize your report □Section headers will be provided; you will fill in relevant information □Questions will follow each section. You will answer them based on: □Your observations in the field □Assigned readings specified in report template □Your own research
□structured analysis of the main features of your landscape □Local Landscape Data Form will be used to guide report writingLocal Landscape Data Form □you will analyze and describe your landscape based upon specific approaches found in the course readings 8 local landscape report
‘BOILERPLATE’ INFO FOR YOUR LOCAL LANDSCAPE LOCATION: □Municipality: (e.g., St. Catharines) □Local area name: (e.g., Port Dalhousie) □Other identifying names or descriptions (e.g., Central Business District) □Latitude and longitude □Physical Dimensions □Length, Width, Surface Area, Elevation (Highest / lowest point) ( Google Earth will tell you the elevation for any point in your local landscape) □Map References □Digital maps: Google Maps 'My Map' URL; Google Earth; Niagara Navigator □Air Photo References: Photo number(s) and location(s) for air photos relevant to your local landscape □Other Graphical Resources (List as appropriate) 9 local landscape report CONTENT
SIGNIFICANT FEATURES HISTORICAL □Archaeological: features and attributes □Land use history: Commercial / Industrial / Agricultural / Residential Uses CULTURAL □Recreational uses □Cultural attributes of settlers □Architectural Heritage 10 local landscape report
SIGNIFICANT FEATURES ECOLOGICAL □Biota: Plant species / assemblages / communities □Animal species / assemblages / communities □Rare / threatened / endangered species GEOLOGICAL / HYDROLOGICAL □Geology / soils / geomorphology □Water features / Hydrology/ Hydrogeology Other surface / topographic features: CLIMATE / MICROCLIMATE 11 local landscape report
SIGNIFICANT FEATURES LAND TENURE □Jursidiction / Ownership: (e.g., private land, government ministry, provincial agency, corporation, etc.) □Public access permitted? □Zoning: (Residential / Commercial / Industrial / Parks and Recreation, etc.) □Official Plan Designation: (municipal plan, Greenbelt, Niagara Escarpment, etc.) □Land Value if known Management: □Groups, agencies, organizations, individuals (e.g., Parks Ontario, Ontario Power Generation, etc.) □Type of management practices; periodicity / schedule (e.g., utility corridors clearcut eery 5 years; farm fields plowed and replanted every year, etc.) 12 local landscape report
CONNECTIVITY Linkages: Is your landscape connected to adjacent landscapes by roads, trails, waterways, paths, corridors? Adjacent Land Uses OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES websites downloadable electronic resources (reports, e-books, etc.) books journals government publications newspaper / magazine articles any other relevant information sources on your local landscape CONTACT: Name and address of contact person for public lands 13 local landscape report
14 final examination □in class, 04 november □exam will test your understanding of: □definitions, principles and concepts in the assigned readings □applying theoretical principles to real- world ecosystem change □lessons you learned from examining your local landscape □short answer / fill in blank / essay format
Online course at 15 course outline