樣式導向設計 (Pattern-Oriented Design) 課程簡介 Ku-Yaw Chang Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Da-Yeh University
22004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Course Information Elective with 3 credits Text Book Alan Shalloway and James Trott, Design Patterns Explained, Addison Wesley, (ISBN: ) Alan Shalloway and James Trott, Design Patterns Explained, Addison Wesley, (ISBN: )
32004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Course Information Major Reference Book E. Gamma, E. Helm, R. Johnson and J. Vlissides, Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, (ISBN: ) E. Gamma, E. Helm, R. Johnson and J. Vlissides, Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, (ISBN: ) GoF (Gang of Four) 23 different patterns A must for C++ developers.
42004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Grading All examinations and quizzes are in English. Grading Policy Attendance and Quizzes/Assignments Attendance and Quizzes/Assignments 30% 30% Midterm Exam Midterm Exam 30% 30% Final Project Final Project 40% 40% Extra Bonus Extra Bonus 10% 10% Public discussion is encouraged ! Public discussion is encouraged !
52004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Grading Final grades may be adjusted based on a linear mapping. Ex. 45 as threshold Ex. 45 as threshold 100-X / = 100-X’ / X / = 100-X’ / (100-X) = 55(100-X’) 40(100-X) = 55(100-X’) X’ = (300+8X) / 11 X’ = (300+8X) / 11 X = 100 -> X’ = 100 X = 100 -> X’ = 100 X = 45 -> X’ = 60 X = 45 -> X’ = 60 X = 0 -> X’ = 27 X = 0 -> X’ = X X’
62004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Prerequisites Object-Oriented Concept Object-Oriented Programming Language C++ C++ Visual C++.Net 2003
72004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Outline Overview Object-Oriented Paradigm (Chapter 1) Object-Oriented Paradigm (Chapter 1) UML – Unified Modeling Language (Chapter 2) UML – Unified Modeling Language (Chapter 2) A Review of C++ A Review of C++ An Introduction to Design Patterns (Chapter 5) An Introduction to Design Patterns (Chapter 5) Pattern by pattern Architectural Patterns Architectural Patterns Document-View Pattern Design Patterns Design Patterns The Facade Pattern (Chapter 6) The Adapter Pattern (Chapter 7) The Bridge Pattern (Chapter 9) The Abstract Factory Pattern (Chapter 10)
82004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Final Project Divided the class into groups, for each group Presentation Presentation Select a pattern from GoF Using UML Using UML A Program A Program Consist of a pattern or patterns (better)
92004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Patterns in GOF Creational Patterns Abstract Factory Abstract Factory Builder Builder Factory Method Factory Method Prototype Prototype Singleton Singleton Structural Patterns Adapter Bridge Composite Decorator Facade Flyweight Proxy
102004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design Patterns in GOF Behavioral Patterns Chain of Responsibility Chain of Responsibility Command Command Interpreter Interpreter Mediator Mediator Memento Memento Observer State Strategy Template Method Visitor
112004/9/21Pattern-Oriented Design The End