Three O'clock High Three O’clock high is a movie that was made in the 1980’s. Its about a High School student who is a member of a high school newspaper club. He was elected to interview a new student who had a bad reputation. No one wanted to interview the new kid Buddy, so Jerry Mitchell was elected. As Jerry tried to interview Buddy, Jerry touched him and Buddy challenge Jerry to a fight. This is the conflict of the story. At that moment, Jerry spent the day trying to get out of the fight.
Personal Narrative You will write a personal narrative (First Person) on a fight that is going to take place. We have read Amigo Brothers and we learned how the fight ended. You will have that same opportunity to create a story and the ending of the story.
The Beginning You are the main character. You are writing a personal narrative. That means you are the main character. Telling a story in first person means you see very little of the story, but you know what you are thinking, feeling, and see. Let us get to know you as a character. Start when you wake up and let see who you are. Don’t just pass this time up. Developing your characters is very important. This will make us like the story more. The lack of character development will allow us not to care the story.
The Beginning Introduce the minor character too. During this time, introducing the Antagonist will be good. This will lead us to the conflict. Take time to show how mean he is why you should hate this person.
The Beginning The end of the beginning is the conflict. This is where we find out the problem of the story. In the movie, Buddy challenges Jerry to a fight. Jerry doesn’t want to fight Buddy so the movie is about Jerry trying to get out of the fight. In your story, this is going to be you conflict. You are going to try to get out of the fight.
The middle This is the rising action. This is the part where we have minor conflicts. Each minor conflict will have a solution to it. It moves the story forward to the solution of the major conflict. In your story, each minor conflict should be you trying to get out of the fight. If you get out of the fight, the story is over so you can. That is the solution.
The middle You need to find a way not to be able to leave school. You should have three or four different ways to get out of school. One way should be in the beginning of school. One could be at lunch, and the last could be in the afternoon.
The middle As the main character tries to find a way out, create more characters. Each event should add to the suspense of the story. If the event to get more suspenseful each time, you will have a dull middle and people will stop reading your story.
The middle You should end the middle part of your story with the climax. In our story, the climax is whether you fight or not. Extend this part. In TV shows, they cut to a commercial. Describe more what's going on.
The End This is the start to the end. Once the fight happened, you solve the conflict by fighting. In the fight, you decides who wins. If you win, everyone thinks you are great If you lose maybe you get the pity vote.
The End Someone helps you and you become great friends. So you win in the end. Describe the fight in complete blow by blow details.
The End The resolution (the laugh) should start after the fight. You can start the next day. This is your choice. You have options. How will the school see you How did this fight change you for the better? Make this story happy at the end.
The End Jerry was happy at the end.