Literary Terms Review
Bell Ringer #1 1. When a non human thing is given human characteristics…._______________ 2. He was as hungry as a bear.______________ 3. The man was an antique._______________ 4. The American flag represents freedom is an example of…______________________ 5. When two or more words are next to each other that begin with the same letter or sound…. _______________ 6. When the author forms an image in your mind…._________________ 7. A phrase that cannot be taken literally, but its meaning is understood…______________ 8. It is raining cats and dogs is an example of …._______ 9. When the opposite of what is expected happens…____________ 10. When the sound of an action is spelled like it sounds….buzz, pop, bang …….____________________
Answers to #’s personification 2. simile 3. metaphor 4. symbol 5. alliteration 6. imagery 7. idiom 8. hyperbole 9. irony 10. onomatopoeia
Bell Ringer #2 11. When words are repeated in sequence…_________ 12. When two words are next to each other that have opposite meanings, but they create a new meaning…_____ 13. Usually only shows one side of his/her personality, and does not show growth or maturity in the story…______ 14. Usually shows many sides of personality and shows growth or maturity in the story…._______ 15. A main character, story would change if character were removed…..________ 16. A less important character and the story would not change or only change slightly if this character were removed…______ 17. When a description is given in the story is words….____ 18. When a character is described through actions and dialogue…._____ 19. Words spoken by characters …._______ 20. A hint in the story of something that will happen later in the story …._______
BR #2 Answers: 11. repetition 12. oxymoron 13. static or flat character 14. dynamic or round character 15. major character 16. minor character 17. direct characterization 18. indirect characterization 19. dialogue 20. foreshadowing
Bell Ringer # The time and place of the story…____ 22. The struggle in the story …____ 23. A struggle between two characters or things in the story and exists outside the character …..______ 24. A struggle within one character and the struggle exists inside that character …._____ 25. A struggle between two characters, external …._____ 26. A struggle within one character, internal …._____ 27. A struggle between a character and a natural force, external …._____ 28. A struggle between a character and a force of society, external ….______ 29. Background information is given to understand the story better, characters are introduced, setting is established ……________ 30. Events leading to the climax, conflict is present, suspense is present, longest portion of story ….________
BR #3 Answers 21. setting 22. conflict 23. external conflict 24. internal conflict 25. man vs. man 26. man vs. himself 27. man vs. nature 28. man vs. society 29. exposition 30. rising action
Bell Ringer #4 31. Highest point of the story, purpose of reading the story, a discovery is made 32. Climax is explained, characters express how they feel about the climax …_____ 33. Characters return to as normal a life as possible …._____ 34. The “message” of the story ….______ 35. The angle from which the story is told …_____ 36. When the narrator knows what is happening to every character, all- knowing ….______ 37. When the narrator is telling the story from his/her point of view, the word “I” is present outside of quotes …_____ 38. When the narrator is telling the story about one character that is not him/herself and is aware of other characters’ actions and possibly their thoughts …..______ 39. When the narrator is telling the story about one character that is not him/herself and is limited to the knowledge of that character ….______ 40. When a portion of the story goes back in time …._____ 41. The development of the story line from start to finish …._______
BR #4 Answers 31. climax 32. falling action 33. resolution 34. theme 35. point of view 36. omniscient st person rd person rd person limited 40. flashback 41. plot