Held in partnership with Creating Connections
Held in partnership with Creating Connections This document has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this document without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document, and, to the extent permitted by law, PwC, IIRC or their licensors do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this document or for any decision based on it. Copyright All rights reserved. Permission is granted to make copies of these slides, provided that all logos, disclaimers, copyright notices and acknowledgements on the slides are retained, and each copy bears the following credit line: "Copyright All rights reserved. Used with permission of the IIRC and PwC." In this document, PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. IIRC refers to the International Integrated Reporting Council. Acknowledgements of third party source materials are contained on the relevant slides.
Held in partnership with Creating Connections The Integrated Business Leigh Roberts Project Director: Integrated Reporting, South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Overview Integrated thinking – a reminder – and recognising your thoughts on the challenges Perspectives: - Professor Mervyn King, IIRC Chairman - John Lelliott, Finance Director, and Mark Gough, Head of Sustainability – The Crown Estate - Fay Hoosain, Senior vice-president: Office of the CEO – Sasol Q and A with the speakers – send your questions using the activity feed in the app Celebrating the benefits of integrated thinking – your thoughts Your roadmap to - step 2
Held in partnership with Creating Connections What is integrated thinking? “The active consideration by an organization of the relationships between its various operating and functional units and the capitals that the organization uses or affects. “Integrated thinking leads to integrated decision-making and actions that consider the creation of value over the short, medium and long term.” Source: The International Framework
Held in partnership with Creating Connections The 6 capitals Financial Manufactured Intellectual Human Social & relationship Natural
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Recognising the challenges of integrated thinking – your thoughts Driving cultural change in the company Matching the processes and quality of non- financial data compared to financial data Understanding the financial impact of our non-financial performance (interdependencies) Developing cross functional involvement for integrated thinking. Making those charged with governance understand the purpose of an integrated report Engaging other departments Embedding within regular operational reporting How we collect information in a verifiable format Getting senior C-suite buy-in Source: Delegate registration forms
Held in partnership with Creating Connections The Integrated Business Professor Mervyn King IIRC Chairman
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Business perspective John Lelliott Finance Director – The Crown Estate Mark Gough Head of Sustainability – The Crown Estate
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Business perspective The Crown Estate Our business model demonstrates how we draw upon different resources and relationships and transform these to create value How we create value Source: The Crown Estate – Annual Report and Accounts 2014
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Business perspective Fay Hoosain Senior Vice-President: Office of the President and CEO – Sasol
Held in partnership with Creating Connections The many faces of Sasol – the early 2000s No one culture, no single identity Financial and non- financial KPIs were housed in different parts of the organisation Siloed thinking and business and functional independence reigned supreme Started to embed integrated thinking as early as 2004 Split accountabilities caused teething problems and limited line of sight Teams were pulling in different directions First Integrated Report published in 2011 Source: Sasol
Held in partnership with Creating Connections One team, One Sasol – 2012 Enhanced engagements and dialogue Better together, we deliver Integrated thinking and integrated reporting starts at the top – and is driven from the top Change in leadership – catalyst for change in thinking Breaking down the silos Focusing on what is in the group’s best interests A clear common goal – united and driving in the same direction Extensive change programme commences One team, One Sasol Source: Sasol
Held in partnership with Creating Connections One Sasol, one bottom line – 2013 Getting the Board on board Aligned and co-ordinated Focused on the big picture and telling the Sasol story Change in mindset Investment decisions driven by an integrated approach The 6 capitals form the basis of our investment criteria One culture Reaping the benefits of integrated thinking Improved decision-making and governance frameworks Source: Sasol
Held in partnership with Creating Connections A new era for Sasol – 2014 Repositioned Restructured Focused Source: Sasol
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Panel and Q&A
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Celebrating the benefits of integrated thinking – your thoughts More connectivity internally Influencing the way we measure/make decisions in the company, providing a broader understanding of our results Participating in a wider stream of company process innovation, having high level sponsorship and legitimacy We have been encouraged to think "integrated" and this enhances our decisions Increase in the level of involvement of internal teams in corporate reporting (more engagement, more participation) Stronger connection between finance and corporate sustainability teams Helped us in seeing the interconnectedness in our business and how important it is to look at problems in an integrated manner Input to the way business models and performance- management system can be devised Better communication with the board and management Source: Delegate registration forms
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Your roadmap to Ian Ball Chairman, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, Chair of IIRC Working Group
Held in partnership with Creating Connections Step 2 – assess your integrated thinking For the focus areas you identified in step 1, assess buy-in throughout the business and internal reporting processes, and data availability, robustness and reliability. Additional time at start and end of tomorrow for this step Workbook includes tips to help you And ideas for bringing in learning from conference sessions
Held in partnership with Creating Connections