CONNECTING DOTS AND SEEING THE WHOLE: OUTCOME MAPS AS A NEXUS FOR DATA-BASED DECISION MAKING National Institute on the Assessment of Adult Learning 2012 Yuerong Sweetland, PhD – Director of Assessment, Franklin University
Presentation Overview Why What Process and Template Challenges Sustainability Ownership Questions & Answers
Background (2)
Definition: Outcome Mapping “…a two-dimensional data recording tool that facilitates the assignment of…outcomes… to core program courses… while identifying the level at which the outcomes are addressed in each course (at the intersection of columns and rows).” Veltri, Natasha F.; Webb, Harold W.; Matveev, Alexei G.; Zapatero, Enrique G. (2011, March 22). Curriculum mapping as a tool for continuous improvement of IS curriculum The Free Library. (2011). Retrieved May 22, 2012 from mapping as a tool for continuous improvement of IS...- a http:// mapping as a tool for continuous improvement of IS...- a
Why Mapping? Curriculum evaluation and improvement Who is doing what Alignment with goals Effectiveness and efficiency Facilitating teaching and learning
Who Benefits? Scope, sequence, balance Coherence Gap Program Interpret assessment findings Accreditation documentation Assessment & Accreditation Faculty Students Staff (SLC, Advisors) Communication between and among Stakeholders
Status: National “Far too many institutions have established learning outcomes …. without ensuring that these goals are continuously mapped to, and reinforced by, the teaching and learning process throughout the curriculum ….” Peter Ewell (2009), Assessment, Accountability, and Improvement: Revisiting the Tension.
Status: Franklin University Franklin University Centralized academic model Challenges
Franklin University Outcome Map Template Outcome 1Outcome 2Outcome 3Outcome 4 Course 1 Course 2 Other experiences (1) (e.g., exams, internships) Other experiences (2) Key: "I" = Introduced; "R" = Reinforced; "A" = Assessment Evidence Collected
Levels of Connection First time an outcome is introduced (e.g. Remembering, understanding) Introduced Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Reinforced
Mapping Process Draft Maps Gather & Analyze Evidence Discussion Make Improvement
Challenges: Sustainability Periodical update Outcomes Courses Connections Established during the design stage LMS? CMS? AMS?
Challenges: Ownership Faculty ownership Who collects and helps maintain maps Assessment Office Institutional Research Office Institutional Effectiveness Office Accreditation Office
Questions or Comments? Dr. Yuerong Sweetland Connecting dots and seeing the whole: Outcome maps as a nexus for data- based decision making