Education in Northern Ireland. Stages of Education 1.Crèche /Playgroup (0 – 3 years old) 2.Nursery school (3-4 years old) 3.Primary school ( 4 – 11 years.


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Presentation transcript:

Education in Northern Ireland

Stages of Education 1.Crèche /Playgroup (0 – 3 years old) 2.Nursery school (3-4 years old) 3.Primary school ( 4 – 11 years old) P1 – P7 4.Secondary school (obligatory) (11 – 16 years old) 1 ST – 5 TH year 5.Lower 6 th /Upper 6 th – (Non-obligatory) (16 – 18 years old)

Primary School – p7 Examination In northern Ireland secondary schools are divided into two sectors. (Grammar and High schools) In the past before 2008 in p7 pupils who wanted to enter a grammar school had to sit an exam called the 11+ (eleven plus) also known as the transfer test. To enter a grammar school the pupils needed to achieve an A or a B grade. It used to be that every pupil in Northern Ireland sat the same exam however now each secondary school has their own unofficial exam.

Secondary School In Northern Ireland at 11/12 years old you start secondary school. The grade you achieve in the entrance exams determines whether you go to a grammar or a high school. Grammar schools are stricter than high schools and the students have to study more subjects and at a higher level. You start off in first year and it is obligatory to study until you have completed fifth year (16 years old.)

G.C.S.E Examinations In fourth year pupils start preparing for their G.C.S.E examinations that they take at the end of fifth year. If you don’t work hard in fourth year you will have little chance of passing your exams in fifth year Students must study Maths, English and Science at G.C.S.E level and for the majority of basic jobs you need to have a minimum of a C grade in both English and Maths. The average student will study between 9 and 11 subjects.

A Level If the student gets sufficient grades they can continue to study until they are 18. This is not obligatory and is usually only available in grammar schools Often pupils who have studied in high schools move to a grammar school to study further so they can go to study at university.

A Levels At the age of 18 you choose the subjects you wish to continue studying The student chooses three or four subjects depending on their ability You choose the subjects also to suit the course you want to study at university For example if you want to study medicine it is essential you study at least two sciences and maths These exams are a lot more difficult than G.C.S.E.S and require lots of preparation and independent work The teacher does not help you as much as in G.C.S.E You have free periods (classes) which you use to study

Official Exams Both G.C.E.S and A-levels are taken very seriously They are external exams. Therefore the teacher has no control over the mark you get. You are given an anonymous code and after you sit the exam your exam paper is given to an external exam board who corrects it and gives you your final mark You sit the exam in May/June and all students from Northern Ireland/England/Scotland and Wales receive their grades on the same day in late August. Those who have done A-levels find out also on this day which university they have been accepted into.

Technical Colleges If you do not pass your exams while in school you cannot repeat them in the school unless you have special circumstances. (i.e. Someone has died, in some cases pregnancy) However usually you have to go to a technical college to re-sit(repeat) your exams You have to pay for these courses and they are not cheap If you want to peruse a vocational career such as plumbing, hairdressing, an electrician, beauty therapy or looking after children you also have to attend one of these colleges.

SCHOOL UNIFORMS In all private and public primary and secondary schools in Northern Ireland it is obligatory to wear a school uniform. In all private and public primary and secondary schools in Northern Ireland it is obligatory to wear a school uniform. Each uniform is unique to the school. Each uniform is unique to the school. This is so it is easy to identify to which school a pupil belongs to This is so it is easy to identify to which school a pupil belongs to



Discipline The schools in Northern Ireland are very strict Each pupil has a homework diary which they must use to keep a record of any homework In this diary there is a set of the school rules at the front At the beginning of every week on the page there is a table If you forget a book the teacher will give you an X If you have three x’s for the same thing in one week or 5 in total you get a detention BooksX Homework Co-operationX Uniform PunctualityX

Friday Detention Normally on a Friday schools finish early however if you have done something wrong you are made to stay behind for one hour and forty-five minutes and write out the school rules until half four in the afternoon. A letter is sent home to your parents to inform them If you don’t go you have to stay behind two Fridays etc.


The school day In the school day you have around 9 classes which each last 35 minutes You have registration at 8.45 with your tutor who checks your uniform and your diary for any negatives (merits) Classes begin at around 9 and at around 10 you have a short break Lunch is around half 12 and you are not permitted to leave the school The school day usually finishes at around half three and most schools finish at half 2 or 3 on a friday

Teachers In schools in Northern Ireland you would never call a teacher by his / her first name it is seen as a sign of disrespect. Married female teachers are called Mrs. Young, female unmarried teachers are called miss and those who are older or who have been divorced are called Ms. And male teachers are called Mr. For those teachers who have a PHD (A doctorate) are called Dr. Mrs. Jones Mr. Black Miss Barnes



End of year school formal At the end of upper 6 th (The last year of secondary school) there is a big party organised by the students The girls hire or buy a dress and the boys wear suits and you go to a hotel for dinner and afterwards you rent out a disco for the after party The majority of people go in a limousine or a hummer You go with a date It is like a miniature wedding and takes much preparation and is very exciting

Thank you for listening!