School 9 Welcome to our great school!
It's our school. W e go to school by bus. Our school is situated in centre of city. Our school has 4 floors, and 58 classrooms. We study in secondary school-gymnasium # 9.
Also, we have a great director of school. Her name is Filinskaya Maria Nikolaevna. She manages school. We are proud of her.
Our allegory. Also, our school has own allegory. Allegory symbolizes unity of our school.
Schools canteen As all other schools in our city, we have schools canteen. Food is very well here. And doesn't expensive.
Our dancing group Our school has own dancing group. They can dance different styles such as Russian, hip-hop, break dance.
The technology room It's our cabinet of technology. Here girls study sew and knit.
The atheletic hall This our athletic room. Here we do different sport exercises. We play basketball, volleyball,do gym.
Cabinet of the history. It's cabinet of the history. Here, we study the history of Kazakhstan, traditions, culture and development of our country.
Russian language It's a classroom of Russian language. The teachers teach us to read poems, novels of Russian writes.
English lessons This is our favourite subject. We learn English with pleasure. For us it's very important language, because now, English is international language. Usually at English lessons we read texts, act dialogues and write compositions in English languages. We like to play and create projects, to express our ideas in pairs.
Our favourite teacher. This is our teacher of English. Her name is Tatiana Stanislavovna. She is very nice teacher.
The library It's a library, here we usually take additional information for study. Here always should be a silence.
Our girls This is our girls. We are very friendly. And always help each other.
On project worked: Storokha Luda and Zgurovets Inga
Thank you for attention!!!