Fun with Mathematics Years 3 and 4 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p 50p £1 £2
I’m happy and confident that I understan d the work I don’t understand the work I’m not quite sure if I understand the work yet
Recall multiplication facts in x1, x2, (x20), x10 x5 and (x50) tables
1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 0 zero
1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 0 zero
2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight 10 ten 0 zero 2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight 10 ten 0 zero 14 fourteen 16 sixteen 18 eighteen 20 twenty 12 twelve
2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight 10 ten 0 zero 14 fourteen 16 sixteen 18 eighteen 20 twenty 12 twelve
10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 hundred 0 zero
5 five 10 ten 15 fifteen 20 twenty 25 twenty five 30 thirty 35 thirty five 40 forty 45 forty five 50 fifty 0 zero
Recognise all coins and notes Use £/p. notation (e.g. £3.06) Convert £ to p Find totals, give change and work out how to pay. Choose appropriate number operations and calculation methods to solve money word problems with one or more steps. Explain and record methods. Check with equivalent calculation
1p round bronze small
round bronze big 2p
5p round silver small
round silver big 10p
heptagon silver small 20p
50p heptagon silver big
round gold small £1
round gold and silver big £2
Which coin is small, round and silver in colour? 5p
1p Which coin is small, round and bronze in colour?
50p Which coin is big, the shape of a heptagon and silver in colour?
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £2 + 50p £1+ 10p20p p2p5p=£3.88
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £2 50p + 20p+++2p5p=£2.77 £1.11
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £2 + £1 +++1p2p5p=£3.08 £0.80
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £1 +1p=£1.01 £2.87
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £2 +2p=£2.02 £1.86
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £2 + 50p10p20p p2p=£2.83 £1.05
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £2 + £1+ +1p2p=£3.03 £0.85
What is the total value of the coins?. £ p £1+ 10p p = £ p + +
What is the total value of the coins?. £ £1 + 10p£ p 10p= £ p+ +
Investigate ways of using silver coins to pay 50p. 10p 20p 10p 50p
Investigate ways of using silver coins to pay 50p. 10p 5p 10p20p 10p 50p 5p 10p
Investigate ways of using silver coins to pay 50p. 5p 10p20p 50p 5p 10p 5p
Which five coins make 74p? What other amounts can you make with five different coins? 74p
Peter offered two silver coins to pay for a 14p pencil. Investigate how much change he had. 50p5p10p20p
Investigate how much change he had. 1p 0p14p +1p 15p
1p 5p Investigate how much change he had. 0p 20p 14p
It costs 75p for a child to swim. How much does it cost for two children? 50p 5p 20p 50p5p20p50p5p20p 150p= £ p 50p 5p 20p 75p+ = + £1.50
Dad bought three packets of cornflakes at 70p each. What was his change from £3? £ p 70p ++ = = + 140p210p= 70p+ £1
What was his change from £3? 50p5p10p20p 0210p +90p 300p 50p+90p 20p + =
What is the total cost of a £4.70 book and a £6.10 game? £ = £4.00 £4.70£ = = £10.00 £0.10 £0.70 += £0.80 £10.00£0.80 £10.80
A chocolate bar costs 19p. How many bars can be bought for £5? =19p 20p £1
A jigsaw costs 65p. How many can you buy for £2? How much change do you get? 50p 5p 10p 50p5p10p50p5p10p 130p = £ p 50p 5p 10p 65p+ = + £1.30 £0.65+=£1.95 5p change
A CD costs £4. Ian saves 40p a week. How many weeks must he save to buy the CD? 400p£ p10x = = £1 Ian saves for 10 weeks. £1
Anna has three 50p coins and three 20p coins. She pays 90p for a Big dipper ride. How much does he have left? 20p 50p 20p 50p+90p 20p + = 50p 20p =120p £1.20
It costs 80p for a child to swim. How much does it cost for 6 children to swim? 50p 10p20p 800px80p10= 400px80p5= 480p+400p80p= £4.80=
Harry spent one quarter of his savings on a book. What did the book cost if he saved: £8… £10… £2.40…?
Gran gave me £8 of my £10 birthday money. What fraction of my birthday money did Gran give me?
*Recognise all coins and notes *Use £/p notation (e.g. £3.06) *Find totals, give change and work out how to pay *Convert £ to p *Choose appropriate number operations and calculation methods to solve money word problems with one or more steps. *Explain and record methods. Check with equivalent calculation